Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   11 years 3 months ago

    can you tell me what exactly causes the food to be bad , is it the herbicides and pesticides or the fact that they are genetic engineered or both . please explain I 've heard so much negative stuff but not the exact reason.

  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 months ago
    ur case is most believable 2 me and I am no conspiracy theorist I do however an overconcentration of power/money by 2 few these corporations and ppl like the cock bros must b reigned in join me on fb this group is about trying to get the control of this country back from corps and 2 middle class
  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 months ago
    I do not trust PBS with 23 million from the Koch brothers. They have been putting feel good nature shows and even the news hour is dumbed down. After watching Amy Goodman and Thom Hartmann on free speech tv I now see through the programming on PBS.
  • Reply to: Congressmen Pocan and Ellison Introduce "Right to Vote" Constitutional Amendment   11 years 3 months ago
    Why don't you give some examples of people voting multiple times, dead people voting, felons voting or non-citizens voting? You can't, because examples are so rare as to be virtually non-existent. The very few documented cases of people trying to vote a second time during the 2012 elections turned out to be Republicans who were trying to create the situations you've erroneously described as a way to justify voter suppression tactics. Your party can't win on it's record of enriching the 1% while being anti-women, anti-gay, anti-minorities, anti-labor and anti-middle class, it can only win by denying thousands of Americans their right to vote. Check out the reality-based world some day . . . . it will save you a lot of needless fear and anxiety about voter fraud.
  • Reply to: Good Week for Chemical Reform   11 years 3 months ago
    Our nation’s current law for regulating toxic chemicals, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) should be to blame. The ineffectiveness in this law has serious consequences for both human health insurance and the surroundings. Chemical buildup in this Great Lakes fish and unnecessary contact with toxic chemicals are associated with cancers, developmental delays, and reproductive problems. ______________________________________________ <a href=''>Motorola SB6121</a>
