"Two crucial paragraphs, prepared by Citigroup in conjunction with other Wall Street banks, were copied nearly word for word."
What is the name of the person in Congress who was responsible for copying them?
Where are the rights of the American people now?. Where are the rights of the voters whose right to speak through his or her vote was taken away by the republican party and new laws they created for the sole purpose of denying the vote and you know that.
President Walker ... How did it happen? It was easy, he conned his opponents into putting his handsome face on every one of their letters, emails and press releases.
Dave Francis, the only thing I can comment on is that you have been watching too much FOX TV and listening to too much Rush Limbaugh on the radio. Your words are typical Republican 'talking points' and obviously your opinion, but they are NOT FACTS.
If you haven't noticed, ever since January 20, 2009 the Republican party has made sure to say NO to everything President Obama has suggested, even policies THEY once were for (political contribution disclosure, climate change policies, single payer healthcare for ALL Americans, support of the START treaty, etc...) but now are totally against.
In all my years, I've NEVER seen such disrespect, contempt, outright LIES and ugly HATRED put towards one man. Either President Obama is too weak or he is a dictator. Every day there is another new 'scandal' another new 'conspiracy', another new overblown ridiculous LIE. Your party can't make up its mind anymore. Either work WITH the President or just keep saying NO to everything he supports. BUT you have to come up with your own solutions to problems without writing jobs bill that demand the building of the Keystone Pipeline in exchange for votes or trying to give individual states the wrong idea that they can override FEDERAL LAW For the sake of our country and us US CITIZENS STOP THE LIES AND HATE.