
Providing Moral Support (Not Tank Armor)

The Washington, DC-based public affairs firm Susan Davis International "is handling the Pentagon's 'America Supports You' campaign to drum up support for the nearly 150,000 U.S. forces that may be occupying Iraq during the next four years," reports O'Dwyer's. "America Supports You," a Defense Department campaign, will run through May 2005.


Exporting Weapons of Mass Deception

"Despite the prolonged arms embargo imposed by the United States on Indonesia," for the Indonesian military's serious human rights violations, other military assistance continues. Six U.S. Pacific Command members led a three-day discussion on "how to present information and news to the press" to 30 information officers from the Indonesian Army, Navy and Air Force. "The officers shared experiences in dealing with the media," reported the Jakarta Post. The U.S.


Big Tobacco's Last Gasps?

The World Health Organization announced that 40 nations have ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The convention "changes the way Big Tobacco does business," said Kathryn Mulvey of Corporate Accountability International. The convention governs tobacco marketing, taxation and health warnings in signatory countries, starting in March 2005.


Powell Lobbies for Chemical Industry

Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is leading the charge against European Union plans to more closely control chemicals, the Independent reports. The EU directive called Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (Reach) would require registration and assessments of risks posed by chemicals to human health and the environment. Some 30,000 substances would have to be registered.


Israeli Reality Show Searches for Best Spin Doctor

A new reality show in Israel promises the winner a year's contract at a PR agency in New York where he or she will be responsible for promoting Israel to Americans, the Guardian reports. The show, called The Ambassador, has 14 contestants carrying out a variety of diplomatic tasks. "The winner will be the person who best demonstrates the qualities of a professional advocate and presents Israel in the most positive light," the Guardian writes.


Across the Pond, War Is Still Sell

The former chief investigator of Britain's Intelligence and Security Committee said that "intelligence has been used as a 'PR tool' since Tony Blair came to power." During 1998's Operation Desert Fox in Iraq, "I was under pressure and my analysts were under pressure," said John Morrison.


Hurrah for Alhurrah

Alhurrah, the U.S.-funded Arabic-language TV channel, offers a more pro-U.S. version of the news than other Arabic channels but is having a hard time reaching many viewers because of the perception that it is American propaganda. Mouafac Harb, Alhurra's news director bristles at this claim. But as U.S. Rep. José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.) said at a hearing in April, that's exactly why Congress is funding it.



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