Fight for 15 Gets into the Ring with Taco Bell
At Taco Bell peaceful protesters took the “Fight for 15” directly to the fast food giant.
At Taco Bell peaceful protesters took the “Fight for 15” directly to the fast food giant.
For Chris Kobayashi and her husband, Dimi Rivera, it all started with Japanese cucumbers. "In 1997 we said, 'OK, let's grow Japanese cucumbers, but let's grow it organically,'" Kobayashi tells me as we walk around her farm in Hanalei Bay on Kaua'i's North Shore. "You know, because they are crispy, crunchy, and yummy and you can eat the skin and everything."
The island of Kaua'i, Hawai'i, has become Ground Zero in the intense political battle over genetically modified (GMO) crops in the United States. But the fight isn't just about the concerns over GMO technology. It's also about chemical pesticides.
Is Walmart's promise to sell cheap organic products a sign of progress or the end of organic?
In a special session called for late September and early October 2013, legislators jammed through a bill that preempts Oregon counties from regulating their own agriculture and seeds.
Despite huge losses of bees that are crucial to pollination of food plants, pesticide companies selling neonicotinoid (neonic) insecticides -- which a growing body of science indicates contribute to bee declines -- have ramped up efforts to sew doubt about and distract from pesticides' contribution to the problem.
There is a whiff of bubblegum scent in the air as I drive toward Waimea Town and past the sprawling, fields of red earth operated by the agri-biotech companies flanking Kauai's Highway 50.
Congress passed a nearly trillion-dollar omnibus Farm Bill Tuesday after almost three years of debate that one analyst called "fairly epic." This major piece of legislation, which is generally under-covered by the mainstream media, sets farm and food policy for the next five years.
With the financial recovery looking more like the Great Recession, people are turning to the real goods and services of the earth economy.
Raw milk was big news in the national media just before Christmas.
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