Public Relations

Hill & Knowlton's Maldives Role Still Generating Heat

The role of the PR firm Hill & Knowlton (H&K) in polishing the image of the authoritarian government of the Maldives has become the centerpoint of a controversy between the former Foreign Minister, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, and the current Information Minister, Mohamed Nasheed.


San Francisco Zoo Hires PR Flack to Try and Save its Skin After Tiger Mauling

Tiger kissingLook, but don't taunt.The situation was about as bad as it could get for a zoo. On Christmas Day, Tatiana the tiger escaped from her enclosure in the San Francisco Zoo, mauled a 17 year old boy to death and severely injured two of his companions.


Stars and Stripes Fights DoD Hype

"Top editors at the military newspaper Stars and Stripes are asking for full disclosure of the paper's relationship with a Department of Defense publicity program, called America Supports You, after disclosures that money for the program was funneled through the newspaper," reports Sara Abruzzesse. "The newspaper's two top editors have asked that the acting publisher, Max D.


Tortured Reasoning for Destroying Evidence of Torture

Steve Benen writes that "As it turns out, the reasoning behind the CIA's decision to record interrogations on video, stop recording interrogations on video, and destroy the interrogation videos was all exactly the same: officials were hoping to avoid a public-relations nightmare." They were unsuccessful, of course, since the media reported widely on the destruction of the tapes and



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