Public Relations

Iraq: Advertising the Best Intentions

The major PR contract for the Multi National Corps-Iraq was awarded to Iraqex, a "business clearinghouse company formed specifically to provide a swath of services in the war-torn country." The Washington DC-based Lincoln Alliance Corporation, a "business 'intelligence' company that handles services from 'political campaign intelligence' to comm


PR Threats and Opportunities in Moblogs

"Moblogging - short for 'mobile blogging' - will have a bigger impact on the public relations industry than any other technological change in the past five years," writes Steve Rubel. As weblogs begin to broadcast content from "an intelligent arsenal of millions of connected mobile devices ... suddenly the PR professional is faced with an entirely new set of challenges and opportunities." One of the threats, Rubel warns, is that corporate secrets and intellectual property are bound to leak onto the internet.


US Panel Critical of Public Diplomacy Efforts

"US efforts to win over the world's Muslims via news broadcasts, cultural exchanges, and other initiatives to explain American policies to skeptical audiences abroad are uncoordinated and underfunded, and risk sending contradictory messages about US intentions, according to a report by a bipartisan review panel appointed by President Bush," the Boston Globe writes.


Telling the Media to MoveOn

U.S. media "gives inordinate attention to fly-by-night groups with little evidence of real support. Why? Because these groups' sensational claims make for entertaining and easily produced news stories. The result is that a Swift Boats Veterans for Truth has greater impact on the national debate than long-established activist organizations," writes the Center for Media and Democracy's Diane Farsetta.


Tobacco Industry Smoke and Mirrors On Trial

"The most important type of story is that which casts doubt on the cause and effect theory of smoking and cancer," read one internal Council for Tobacco Research memo presented by the U.S. Justice Department on the first day of the largest civil racketeering trial brought by the government.


PR Lessons From The Campaign Trail

The presidential campaign trail offer lessons to the "public affairs community, the PR people paid to push the issues. But what they're watching isn't so much who wins, but how they do it," PR Week's Douglas Quenqua writes. "Nearly every technique for moving public opinion, every tactic employed by public affairs people to get an issue on the radar or to get legislation passed, traces its roots back to a political campaign - usually a presidential one.


PR Firm Out of the Woods

Congressional investigators with the Government Accountability Office concluded that the U.S. Forest Service did not violate any laws by hiring the PR firm OneWorld Communications. The unusual $90,000 contract for the "Forests with a Future" campaign promoted new policies increasing logging in California's Sierra Nevada forests.



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