ALEC Sets the Table for Gerrymandering, Union Busting, Protecting Fossil Fuels, and Privatizing Schools
ALEC's annual meeting in NOLA continues war on workers and voters, with Janus v. AFSCME victory lap and pro-gerrymandering resolution.
ALEC's annual meeting in NOLA continues war on workers and voters, with Janus v. AFSCME victory lap and pro-gerrymandering resolution.
SPN has organized a massive effort to convince union members to stop paying dues.
ExxonMobil will not renew its membership in ALEC after differences arise over how to address climate change.
Bradley Foundation internal documents reveal a concerted effort by the organization to delegitimize climate science, while promoting fossil fuel energy development in the United States.
A Freedom of Information Act documents show the EPA administrator's expenses jumped $1.1 million from the last disclosure a month ago.
ALEC holds annual Spring Task Force Summit April 27 in Grand Rapids.
As Oklahoma attorney general, Pruitt made $70,000 flipping a Tulsa property under questionable circumstances
The Koch brothers have won victory after victory in their bid to reshape American government to their interests.
Andrew Wheeler, a coal lobbyist, is the nominee for deputy administrator at the EPA. His confirmation vote is expected on Wednesday.
The fracking lobby will host its annual “Congressional Call-Up” event at the Trump International Hotel in March.
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