As Jobs Flee WI, Legislators Lock-Down Their Own With Unlimited Dark Money
Two major Wisconsin employers sent shockwaves through the state when they announced plant closures and layoffs that could affect thousands of jobs.
Two major Wisconsin employers sent shockwaves through the state when they announced plant closures and layoffs that could affect thousands of jobs.
Billionaire mega-donor Charles Koch admitted that the handful of billionaires who bankroll political campaigns are doing it because they expect something in return.
Former Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) passed away on November 1, 2015, but his legacy of giving the Koch Brothers a pass on their first major foray into funneling money to win elections continues unabated.
The Kochs are going on the offensive in favor of pro-corruption bills in WI.
The Jefferson Jackson Dinner is a seminal event in Iowa politics. By the time the candidates take to the stage, the yelling and stomping is cacophonous.
Wisconsin Republicans have been caught in the spin cycle with their latest attack on the state's independent, nonpartisan Government Accountability Board.
Voters don't want more money in politics, but Wisconsin Republicans are doing it anyway.
A year-long CMD investigation reveals that the federal government has pumped millions into charter schools that closed or never even opened.
Wisconsin is poised to go from first in the nation to worst in the nation when it comes to policing political corruption.
The Wisconsin GOP is out for revenge, and the Kochs have their back.
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