Submitted by Lisa Graves on

Breaking--New materials provided to the Center for Media and Democracy/PRWatch reveal that a top GOP polling firm instructed state Chamber of Commerce lobbyists how to try to defeat popular measures like increasing the minimum wage, despite polling data from business leaders that shows overwhelming support for such progressive workplace policies.
California just passed a statewide measure to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour over the next few years, as other cities have also embraced this and other key workplace reform measures, such as paid sick days.
Read more from the Washington Post's story by Lydia DiPillis here.
Below are key materials about this, including this short video from the webinar with analysis that CMD has prepared:
Here is the link to that snippet from the webinar.
Here is the poll, marked up by CMD.
Here is a copy of the slideshow, marked up by CMD.
Here is a transcript of the webinar, highlighted by CMD.
Here is the link to the longer version of the webinar.
Here is some information about who spoke during the webinar.
Here is a backgrounder on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the state chambers of commerce.
Here is CMD's press release summarizing key information about the materials.
Here is some analysis of the polling results by CMD.
Here is an interview on NPR's Fresh Air about the materials and the efforts to preempt local efforts to increase the minimum wage, paid sick, family leave, predictive scheduling and other popular measures.
Here is the long version with commentary by CMD: