Thin Veil of "Patriotism" May Extinguish Chinese Cigarette Billboards

Pedestrians pass by "Love our China" cigarette billboard (from Shenzhen Daily)Patriotic billboards around Shanghai, China carry the Chinese expression for "Love our China." The message, however, uses a variation for the word China, "Chungwa," which happens to be identical to the name of a


Gadget Company Engages in Pay-for-Praise Online

" runs a side business called Mechanical Turk ... where people can go, register, and get paid to do little tasks that computers can't do," explained blogger and film student Arlen Parsa. While on the site, Parsa saw a request to review Belkin International's consumer electronics products.


Coming Soon to a Theater Near You: Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza RiceFormer Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has signed with the William Morris Agency, which describes itself as a "diversified talent and literary agency," with "clients in all segments of the entertainment industry." While "most other members of the



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