Recent comments

  • Reply to: Bankruptcy Filing Shows Arch Coal Funding for Climate Denial Legal Group   8 years 6 months ago
    These organizations with the fancy names are not conservative nor even libertarian. They are financed by billionaires (Koch cronies) who are only interested in acquiring and protecting their vast wealth on the backs of workers and at the expense of taxpayers. The money they spend on lawsuits, lobbying, and bribing officials could and should be collected in taxes rather than going to destroy our democracy. Think of the kind of society we could have if billionaires weren't funding these kinds of efforts!
  • Reply to: Ohio Charter School Scandal Grows as Kasich Ascends National Stage   8 years 6 months ago
    What is it with some of these governors? They either cheat to get Federal funds or flat out reject absolutely any Federal funds even when the state is eligible for those funds. Those funds are our Federal tax dollars and we have a right to have them come back to our state to help the people the money is intended to help. These guys need to get their head screwed on straight and do the right thing for the people, not for their own personal beliefs or their party.
  • Reply to: Egg Land's Worst   8 years 6 months ago

    Egglands best has a lot of money so there goes your first theroy. Second because they dont kill them they should treat the birds like shit? No they should be treated humane i wanna see a bunch of human babies stuffed in crates like this then see if u have a problem

  • Reply to: Ford Becomes Latest Major Corporation to Dump ALEC   8 years 6 months ago
    Here's the catch ..... Do these companies continue to throw campaign money at their ALEC legislators that which have taken over Michigan for example?
  • Reply to: The Silencing of Hector Valenzuela   8 years 6 months ago
    Praise and honor for Dr V, for the author, and for the publisher of this informative article. The pressing questions s "What will you do about it?" Or, "What can we do about it?" I suspect that education is the only answer...that, coupled with voting with one's fork, are our only hopes. Mahalo for your continuing efforts and courage.
