Recent comments

  • Reply to: Gates Foundation Drops ALEC   12 years 5 months ago
    If ALEC's educational proposals such as draining public education dollars to support private for-profit schools, avoiding federal and state education requirements, weakening certification standards for teachers; and if Lee Fang documented how tech and education firms profit off children while failing to educate them, how is it that the Gates, who seem to be philanthropists, have been supporting A.L.E.C. for so long? Did they have their underlings take care of this business, and were they too busy to notice? I also read that they have not completely severed ties with A.L.E.C. This changes my views on the work of the Gates, if the information is correct. I am a former English Professor, and have taught in many schools across the country, as well as in foreign countries. I'm open to new ideas on education reform, but this news does not look good to me.
  • Reply to: A CMD Special Report on ALEC's Funding and Spending   12 years 5 months ago
    Anyone wishing to print and circulate the JIndal recall petition, please email for a file copy and complete directions. Please write "recall petition" in the subject line.
  • Reply to: If the Other Shoe Drops, I Want Medicare   12 years 5 months ago
    Sorry to hear about your illness. We met at the DC Social forum and I was impressed with your advocacy. Now I understand why. Hang in there and Good Luck! Matt Arnold
  • Reply to: Koch-Funded "Americans For Prosperity" Rallies at WI Capitol   12 years 5 months ago
    I've attended every AFP tax-day rally in Madison, and they're having a really hard time driving attendance despite a very heavy PR effort and providing free buses from all over Wisconsin. Check out how small the crowd was this year:
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   12 years 5 months ago
    In order to take away a corporation's right to act as a citizen, we need to overturn the citizens united decisions that provides corporations with personhood. Without this overturn, we will not have any legal grounds to limit corporate influence in our politics.
