Recent comments

  • Reply to: Scott Walker and Ted Kaczynski in the Heartland   12 years 3 months ago
    Our grandkids are going to be pretty upset that we did't do what was needed, when it was needed. People that still think we need to "debate" are letting the ship sink.
  • Reply to: Trained on Koch: Daily Caller Claims Fake Rebuttal of CMD on ALEC Role Promoting "Stand Your Ground" Laws   12 years 3 months ago
    What is wrong with the castle doctrine? I can't support anything that undermines a persons ability to defend themselves in their own home. It's way too late to make guns illegal. If you want to create harsher penalties for violent criminals I will support that 110%. But as far as encroaching on legal gun owners, no. I will not support that. If you want to take up a cause, take up one that goes after violent criminals. People have their priorities backwards. Fact is if some fool breaks into my house they are going to be splattered all over the wall. If they want to live, all they have to do is stay away. It's a real easy choice for them.
  • Reply to: Leaked EPA Memos May Explain Massive Bee Die-Off   12 years 3 months ago

    You say ..."I am sure Bayer would not value profits over human lives." You got that wrong. They knowingly sold Aids-infected drugs in Europe, Asia and Latin America when it was discovered and they could no longer sell it in the U.S. These mega-corporations have no regard for the earth or for human life.

  • Reply to: Johnson & Johnson 19th Company, 23rd Private Sector Member, to Cut Ties with ALEC   12 years 3 months ago
    I am glad to see that companies are removing themselves from ALEC, but I have a hard time trusting them. In my mind it is just another re-structuring move. They remove the well known name (ie. Johnson&Johnson) but I believe those companies still finance ALEC and other damaging right wing organizations, just under differnet names. After all, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is one of the tea party cronies. I don't trust any of them.
  • Reply to: GOP Fights for Control of WI Senate, Calling for Recount and Hyping Voter Fraud Allegations   12 years 3 months ago
    Wanggaard is obviously annoyed that the statewide vote rigging by the GOPers somehow skipped him. Sigh, if only Tom Barrett had had the balls to demand a recount overseen by the DOJ.
