Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Tobacco Can Cure Smoking" and other Highlights of ALEC's Annual Meeting in Salt Lake   12 years 1 month ago
    Nicotine is a pretty harmful substance. It also prevents bones healing and creates a weaker bone structure. in any form. it is more addictive than junk (smack) heroin . There is no way it should even be legal.
  • Reply to: ALEC Member Glenn Grothman: Voter ID Needed because "People Who Cheat" Vote Democratic   12 years 1 month ago
    Glenn Grothman is the same guy who claimed that single-parenthood is a cause of child abuse, and that "Money is more important for men than women". The guy needs a dose of reality. IT'S NOT THE 1950'S. I cannot believe that the good people of West Bend are foolish enough to re-elect this close-minded misogynist.
  • Reply to: Protestors Greet ALEC as 39th Annual Meeting Gets Underway in Utah Today   12 years 1 month ago
    How about photograhing and publishing the legislators who attend this "convention?"
  • Reply to: Alexander Cockburn 1941-2012   12 years 1 month ago
    Anyone who supports Edwin S Rubenstein is a NeoNazi!!!!!! I simply can not believe the misrepresentation of Noam Chomsky and Alexander Cockburn with PRWATCH encouraging readers to there Websites!!!!!! Worse than sites sending readers to Alex Jones!!!!! They are 1 and the same group of people!!!!!!! Ever wondered why it is always politics with these people? It is not hard to go to a university and rewrite old International Fascist Magazine articles and place your name on them... How the world is being dumbed down by particular interest groups with failed ideas and failed policies...
  • Reply to: Alexander Cockburn 1941-2012   12 years 1 month ago
    For a website that claims to be informing the public of corporate laws being passed in America and around the world via ALEC Mary Bootari should be ashamed of herself for misleading the readers of PRWATCH!!!!!! National Data | Even U.S. STEM Graduates Unemployed—Why May 2012 – Go figure. Edwin S. Rubenstein (email him) is President of ESR Research Economic Consultants in Indianapolis ... Alexander Cockburn, RIP ...National Data | Why More Immigrant Science, Technology Edwin Rubenstein on October 29, 2011 at 11:29pm. That we need more foreign students in .... Alexander Cockburn, RIP • Another Obama Regime Amnesty ...
