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  • Reply to: Resources for Investigating ALEC/NRA Gun Bills   11 years 10 months ago
    Hi to all !! Smart line for today: Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. Alquiler Autos Bavaro
  • Reply to: Over Half a Million Dollars Couldn't Stop Colorado Community From Banning Fracking   11 years 10 months ago - Fracking may well be the Silent Spring of our generation.
  • Reply to: Hide the Kids, the Elderly, the Sick & the Poor! Paul Ryan is Headed for the Cliff   11 years 10 months ago
    I, as a Citizen, Veteran, Patriot, and Voter, regard Congresses continued pandering to corporate special interests over the best interests of the Citizens as treason and, I will work actively to vote out anyone who puts corporate interests and profits ahead of the best interests of the Nation and her Citizens!
  • Reply to: Hide the Kids, the Elderly, the Sick & the Poor! Paul Ryan is Headed for the Cliff   11 years 10 months ago
    The New Right of Paul Weyrich has only had a set-back - nothing more. They will continue their struggle to rid our country of Democracy for their Theocratic/Oligarchy until they do it. They were so close, they could taste it! The Austerity Agenda is Never going to work as long as there are people on this earth; but, they truly believe they can and will. Today, right NOW, there are millions in the streets in Europe fighting against Austerity and we have yet to raise our voices in support. Yes, the news is controlled by the New Right; but, come now, we all have access to the web and should know what's going on by now. To debate the lies of Ryan is just another ploy to keep us from centering on them. Realize now before the next election what we are really facing because it will not get easier...their ALEC boilerplated laws will continue to erode our Democracy, rights, & freedoms. If the New Right does NOT comply with the majority of the American People, it is up to us to make them!
  • Reply to: WI Republican Insists Romney Would Have Won if Voter ID Law Was in Place, But Admits "Not Dealing With the Real Reality"   11 years 10 months ago
    I don't know what the margin of victory was in Wisconsin, but maybe Sen. Darling is right; maybe disenfranchising the "300,000 people in the state [who] do not have the forms of ID required under the law and would have a difficult time getting one" would have been just what was needed to bring about a different result--a fraudulent one in a different sense.
