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  • Reply to: Abramoff, Released from Prison, Rebrands Himself as Against Corruption   11 years 8 months ago

    "PR Options" is unknown in the PR agency world; they are not charging Congressional Jack for their services.

  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 8 months ago
    Who said other issues weren't being addressed? WHERE did they say it? That's misinformation. Gun manufacturers, like other greedy corporations, don't give a hoot for the citizen. The impact on our standard of living has been drastic. Not acceptable. Our first amendment now bans hate speech. Hate speech is not for the good of all. Other countries have the same movies and video games. Our murder rate is up to 30X higher. The difference? Gun control. Notice: control, not banned. We make a CHOICE. We can watch, turn it off or change the channel. My kids see nothing without my consent. Parental controls on the internet work as well. Violence via media affects those already headed that way. I've watch violent films. I've NEVER given a thought to doing the same. NEWS isn't news much of the time. I never automatically believe what I hear or read. I fact check. I will NEVER support weapons our troops use to ASSAULT as part of the private sector, abusing this right. Accidental, in the line of fire, reactionary gun murder aren't on my bucket list. That given, I would never support repealing the second amendment. It needs to pertain to today, not 200 years ago. Our environment is radically different. Mental health was basically dropped-tax cuts were WAY more important. Reagan was the first to limit mental health. And this has helped us HOW? It's not just the mass murderers. Because of economic crisis,domestic violence is rising and 92% of of domestic death involves a gun. Homicide/suicide. Kids already showing symptoms of personality disorder are ignored and the parents have nowhere to turn. Almost 40% of medical health is mental issues. Societal violence affects MY mental health at times.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 8 months ago
    <p>"It is totally and utterly hypocritical to speak of 'gun control' without addressing the causes of gun viokence."</p> <p>Sorry, you're going to get even more fed up. Demands for gun control aren't going away, because others are more and more fed up with with gun violence.</p> <p>For one thing, the people who cling to the mantra "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" are, by and large, the very same people who most hate having their tax dollars spent on social services. You know, dealing with people problems.</p> <p>For another thing, whether you like it or not, "addressing the causes of gun violence" isn't going to work without limiting the availability of guns. You can shame the violent video gamers all you want, but as long as the guns are there, it's only going to strengthen the appeal of guns to people who shouldn't have them guns.</p> <p>And there's really no way you can escape this: fewer rounds per magazine, fewer kills per killing spree. Fewer guns, more criminals having to make do with knives or baseball bats and therefore fewer deaths.</p> <p>It's going to take generations of biting the bullet at both ends -- ponying up for social services <i>and</i> limiting gun proliferation -- to make a serious difference.</p>
  • Reply to: To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 8 months ago
    How does the argument fail? If she had had a gun with her no matter where she and the students were, she could have shot the guy. pure and simple.
  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 8 months ago
    I am really fed up with the emphasis being placed on guns rather than mental health or the benefits of banning violence in movies, on TV and in video games. It is totally and utterly hypocritical to speak of "gun control" without addressing the causes of gun viokence. Psychologists have known for many decades that the depiction of violence predisposes people, even normal college students, to violence. What do you think happens when unstable persons are filled with the kinds of things depicted in our media? Criminals will always gain access to guns, and so will the mentally ill if they are sufficiently determined. Why don't you talk about removing violence from the media? Free speech, as protected in the constitution, was never meant to protect the filth and insanity that pours daily from the media in the U.S. I consider myself a liberal, but I am thoroughly disgusted by the refusal of other supposed liberals to deal with the real causes.
