Recent comments

  • Reply to: Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 8 months ago
    Insulting the author instead of addressing the comment shows your closed mind and unwillingness to think.
  • Reply to: Gov. Walker Trusts Teachers with Guns, But Not With Collective Bargaining   11 years 8 months ago
    You lean way too far to the extreme radical left. Correction is needed.
  • Reply to: The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 8 months ago
    The two men that you reference were not "good guys". That's the difference. They were not trained security officials. They were crazy old men. Do you really think the outcome would have been any different if he had brought a knife or baseball bat over to that van? There are too many variables that could maybe stop violence. Thing is, it is literally impossible to stop all of the variables. Harp on the nra all you want. It's pure ignorance to think that a armed a police officer at that school in Newtown wouldn't have made a difference. Take Away his mom's guns and he just builds a bomb. Or waits 2 years till he can "print" his own gun on a 3d printer. Criminals don't follow the law!! For proof, just look at Chicago and LA... Two of the strictest gun laws in the country hard at work there. Lol. Look at facts people. Use your brain.
  • Reply to: The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 8 months ago
    its like this, In the American prison system they'll melt down toothbrushes and come at you in gang numbers and with ex.treme vilonce shank you to death. Violence will always be here, thats a fact, when you arm the people there will be violence yet it will go down unless you live in a city were the pill a size of a match head has more value than life or the dollar. Yet in the areas that the strong preys upon the weak, as far as mugging or rape or burglaries goes when that area is armmed. the violence and Crimes will go way down. In a country that has people weighing in at 6 foot to 250 on the average and their prey is the old or the weak you need a bleeping gun!!!
  • Reply to: Suspicious Minds: Will There Be a Special Session in Wisconsin?   11 years 8 months ago
    CAN refers to the "Controller Area Network" - in an OBD over CAN a central network combines the data from additional inputs in the vehicle to allow Geotab to report non-engine related data using the same OBD connection in the vehicle. An example of non-engine data would include: seatbelt use monitoring and passenger detection in light duty vehicles or the automatic detection and reporting on PTO use in heavy duty vehicles. <a href="">AUTOCOM CDP</a>
