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  • Reply to: Wisconsin's "Shameful" Gerrymander of 2012   11 years 7 months ago
    Hey even in backward Arizona we have a nonpartisan redistricting board. It still pisses off the GOP but it works.
  • Reply to: Exposed: Whole Foods' and the Biggest Organic Foods Distributor's Troubled Relationships with Workers   11 years 7 months ago
    What's that famous slogan: ''Think globally, act locally.'' Whole Foods has reversed it. Is acts like a global player, while pretending to care about the locals. I think organizations and individuals like Whole Foods and Mr. Mackey are the most insincere and the most dangerous ones, because they pretend to be something and someone they are not. They are supposedly so evolved and knowledgeable. They do yoga, have had private audiences with the Dalai Lama, have signed Warren Buffett's The Giving Pledge, are ethical vegans, care so deeply about the environment and send their kids to Waldorf Schools, while being Ayn Rand reading libertarians i.e. John Mackey or while supporting Republican Chris Christie for Governor of New Jersey i.e. Mark Zuckerberg. I guarantee you Mark shops at the Palo Alto Whole Foods. I am so sick of these Yuppies pretending to be do-gooders, while exploiting and deceiving their fellow men and women. They do ''good'' only to fuel their own superiority complex and their fellow Yuppies fall for it and put them on a pedestal. Thank you for the article and for shining a light on all of this.
  • Reply to: Exposed: Whole Foods' and the Biggest Organic Foods Distributor's Troubled Relationships with Workers   11 years 7 months ago
    Not being unionized in and of itself does not mean labor abuse. Beyond Unions is merely a concept that seeks to grow beyond adversarial relationships. You never identified any abusive practice on the part of Whole Foods that would be improved through collective organizing.
  • Reply to: Breast Cancer Awareness Bullets?   11 years 7 months ago
    stupidity is as stupidiy says, in you case. contact with guns raises your danger. period. right wing horseshit will never overcome fact.
  • Reply to: The "Biggest Loser" of the 2012 Election: Karl Rove   11 years 7 months ago
    TP needs to disassociate itself from Bush/Rove as it will go a long way as to getting people to at the very least listen to them. TPers can then pin that Mudd-like (Bush) label on the establishment candidates and if TPer wins their primary the dems won't be able tp use the Bush label against them.
