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  • Reply to: Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Hearts Ayn Rand   11 years 7 months ago
    Rand was the epitome of slavery proponents, though her positions often suggest the opposite. She is used by the lowest of immoral and unethical forces in this country to bring down democracy and real freedom-loving groups. Sig Heil.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Hearts Ayn Rand   11 years 7 months ago
    It is truly embarrassing to have this guy represent the great state of WI. Hopefully he will,by his idiocy,only serve one term.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin's "Shameful" Gerrymander of 2012   11 years 7 months ago
    Learning from experience American Founders had the vision of providing an equity safeguard in the Constitution against legal fiction created by treasonous and usurping legislators and judges, both State and Federal. Article III, Section 2 reads in pertinent part: "The judicial Power [of an honest judge]shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under the Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority; Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;---to Controversies between two or more States;---[between a State and Citizens of another State;---]*...[*Changed by the Eleventh Amendment.] “‘Equity’ has said to be the name of the principles under which substantial justice may be attained in particular cases where the prescribed or customary forms of ordinary law seem to be inadequate. The word describes a system of jurisprudence and it is employed to designate the principles or standards of that system. Such a use of the word is illustrated by the maxim, ‘Equity’ regards as done that which ought to be done.’” Jur (1996), p. 520-21
  • Reply to: Exposed: Whole Foods' and the Biggest Organic Foods Distributor's Troubled Relationships with Workers   11 years 7 months ago
    Green Mask is spot on. "Whole Foods" is neither completely organic, nor whole. If you shop there without a discriminating eye, you are allowing yourself to be deceived. It's not surprising that employees are treated without conscience. Profit is an addiction, when it comes at the expense of principle. Of course, WF isn't alone. This entire industry is riddled with products that aren't what they're supposed to be. Mackey and his ilk are just modern day PT Barnum's. Educate yourself and spend your hard earned dollars where they'll do the most good...
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Hearts Ayn Rand   11 years 7 months ago
    So, Ron Johnson is media shy. No wonder. His idiotic appearance at Congressional hearings for Hillary Clinton and John Kerry displayed what a fool is, and how third rate are the minds of far too many politicians. As for his allegiance to Ayn Rand, such lunacy is sophomoric and self-centered to the highest degree and without commonsense.
