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  • Reply to: Center for Media and Democracy Wins Open Government Award   11 years 6 months ago
    This New Hampshire resident who was born and grew up in Wisconsin is doubly grateful for your relentless efforts to expose ALEC-addicted legislators and the harmful effects that their secret special interest lobbyists have been afflicting on us citizens. Congratulations to CMD for well-deserved recognition and focusing the light on appropriate issues that matter. We still have a long way to go. The evidence is that the MacIver Institute, the far right wing propaganda outlet in Madison, was recognized for what amounts to a retaliatory fishing expedition. CMD has earned the well-deserved recognition. Congratulations and thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • Reply to: Center for Media and Democracy Wins Open Government Award   11 years 6 months ago
    ...from this N.H. resident. One bit of good news: the push to reduce the forms of ID accepted for voting seems stalled for now.
  • Reply to: New Study by National Employment Law Project Documents ALEC’s Attack on Wages   11 years 6 months ago
    Absolutely! Does ALEC stand for Association of Lowlife Economic Criminals?
  • Reply to: New Study by National Employment Law Project Documents ALEC’s Attack on Wages   11 years 6 months ago
    This is an anti-we the people group funded by the extreme wealthy and politicians looking for handouts. It is time for war! These politicians need to be exposed and removed from office. They are criminals of the worst kind. Hopefully Iran or N. Korea can follow through on their threat. It is the only hope for Americans because our Washington and State politicians, like a computer file, have been corrupted. Chavez would have made a better politician in the U.S. than most we have now.
  • Reply to: Center for Media and Democracy Wins Open Government Award   11 years 6 months ago
    Congratulations on your well deserved award. Your hard work in exposing ALEC has been invaluable to me personally and to Granite State Progress. Two of us Representatives are preparing bills for next session to further expose ALEC in our state and to educate our fellow Representatives on the dangers of ALEC bills that are created and sponsored by major corporations to their advantage. Thank you for your contribution to our efforts.
