Recent comments

  • Reply to: Blue Cross, Blue Shield Getting Richer, Like Corporate Insurers   11 years 6 months ago
    First of all all the major medical insurance plans out there will soon be unaffortable, some already are. Aetnas CEO has already stated that there rates will increase in 2014 by 100%. You cant afford to pay the premiums. Even if you can the amount you will pay over the years is not worth it.There is a solution to all of this. Take a look at a company called Philadelphia Life Insurance. They have a health insurance plan that wil give you more coverage with less cost. They also tie there rate increases to Medicare and they have not had an increase in two years. Take a look at the amount of complaints that Blue Cross Blue Shield and all the rest of the big boys have against them. Its unbelievable. You wont find any complaints on Philadelphia Life.Its time to forget about these big boy ripoffs and get a plan that will work for you.
  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   11 years 6 months ago

    i had a broken leg in 2009 . nothing gave me relief and my calf where the muscle was ripped was in terrible shape. wore the rocker shoes for about 1 year and the calf was strengthened and fells and looks a lot 4 years later i am still wearing these rocker shoes, albeit a lower version and they really do keep my calves toned. it is hard to find them now and when i do they are on clearance for $20

  • Reply to: ALEC's Plan to Kill Union Jobs Everywhere, Even Outside the U.S.   11 years 6 months ago
    True, RTW or, Race To Welfare as I like to call it, has been around for many years. What is different is that ALEC sits and writes these bills for the "paid " government represenatives they control around the world. Alec has taken America from the "will of the people" to the 'Will of the Corporation'. Corporations, as you know, are Soul-less, Godless, entities. Does that remind you of anyone???
  • Reply to: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Fix the Debt   11 years 6 months ago
    Unfortunately for economic majors and the nation, universities seem to only teach the Milton Friedman theory of economics. Although the failure of this school of economic thought is all around us, apparently students at most universities (University of Missouri-Kansas City being one exception)seem to remain impervious to its disastrous results (disastrous for the 98%, wildly successful for the top 1-2%).
  • Reply to: Center for Media and Democracy Wins Open Government Award   11 years 6 months ago
    Very well deserved. Congratulations to your entire team.
