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  • Reply to: Syngenta's Paid Third Party Pundits Spin the "News" on Atrazine   11 years 5 months ago
    These people and their agendas are pure evil. They are dinosaurs and they will soon become extinct.
  • Reply to: Machine Guns on the Vegas Strip? In Nevada, ALEC/NRA Bill Introduced to Stop Cities from Banning Machine Guns   11 years 5 months ago
    Excellent post Brendan. ALEC is trying to lull us into complacency, but reporting like this keeps us on our toes.
  • Reply to: The Steubenville Case: Social Media Plays Role in the Prosecution of a Rape Case   11 years 5 months ago
    I really liked your article! I liked the intro you made, it made a connection about people today. I really wanted to do an article review on this topic for my current affairs class and this helped me out a lot. Keep up the good work!
  • Reply to: FDA Ready to Approve Frankenfish Despite Fishy Science   11 years 5 months ago
    We don't fully understand how our bodies will react to this experimental train wreck they prepare to perpetrate on us. While a thing might look right at certain Micro-levels of inspection, we must not forget that evolution took millions of years fine tuning the enzymes and other digestive properties of our systems to handle natural whole foods a given way. It works a specific way on specific things, a near copy isn't always good enough (Ask any chemist if "close" is good enough). Look at how many people can't handle the new strains of wheat and gluten(more people have grown intolerant of it in the recent years) it's almost identical .. but not quite. Bottom line while I stipulate to the problems of feeding an ever growing population as critical. We must be exceedingly careful as to how we do it. Lest we be the engines of our own extinction.
  • Reply to: FDA Ready to Approve Frankenfish Despite Fishy Science   11 years 5 months ago
    Sloppy science disturbs me deeply, and this process reeks of sloppy scientific oversight by the FDA. I would encourage the FDA to reconsider their decision and apply a complete peer-reviewed process using top geneticists and othe allied science professionals.
