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  • Reply to: On Earth Day, ALEC Bemoans “Somber” Environmentalists   11 years 4 months ago
    How do they think we should celebrate earth day by marveling in us cleaning it up. When mankind is the reason it needs cleaning. Group's like ALEC need to go. Congress needs to be fired for wasting our tax payers money with nothing to show productively. I bet if that was done the new people entering into congress would know they are there for we the people not we the corperation and they would know thier limits and work more productivly.
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    This behavior on behalf of the WI GOP is immoral, illegal, unethical and just plain wrong. Heads should roll, congressmen should be indicted, nothing in government should be hidden from WE THE PEOPLE. It is totally unjustified except that the GOP feels it is above the law and anything done in their name has the blessings of God, in other words to them, the almighty DOLLAR! Get the bums' asses OUT of CONGRESS! Prosecute them! Jail them! Hell, get out the tar and feathers, I'll light the match! I saw it done in "John Adams" and it's not pretty, but I'll strike the match and with it a blow for WE THE PEOPLE (just in case they forgot whom they are SUPPOSED to be working for! CD
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    It makes me laugh, my Republican relatives will still defend these idiots to the bitter end. Even though they are costing them millions that could have been spend on better salaries for teachers, hiring more police and firemen. There was a time when Republicans were good and honest in Wisconsin (remember Lee Dryfus?) longer though!
  • Reply to: Having Spent Millions Influencing Three Branches of Government, Kochs Look to Buy Fourth Estate   11 years 4 months ago
    I find your defense of the Koch bros. as merely benign businessmen to be insane. They are ideologues with an agenda and the money to try and implement it. In their vision of a world there would be no unions, no public education, no social security or other "safety nets", no marriage equality, no environmental protections. It would be every man for himself and the gov't would do nothing but protect the interests of the wealthy.
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    Out of state money elected him, & out of state money kept him in office- Pure and simple. He's been a failure who'll have to create some 260,000 jobs to meet his 250,000 goal. 44th in the nation for job creation.
