Recent comments

  • Reply to: Madison Joins "Fossil Free" Divestment Effort   11 years 4 months ago
    Nowhere in this piece is information stating specification of the state or university you are referring to. Please enlighten us. I am assuming that it is the U. of Wisconsin @ Madison, but others may not be aware of the institution, and can't count on the accuracy of the article without definite confirmation of the details. Thanks.
  • Reply to: Anti-Worker "Paycheck Protection" Bills Moving in Missouri   11 years 4 months ago
    @ "Mark" Only about 11% of American workers belong to a union and the unions, it seems, have had little to no effect on the increase in income inequality and the increase in wealth inequality in the United States. The wealth and income at the very top of our society just keeps increasing while the bottom 80%, union and non-union continue to lose wealth and income. Who Rules America: Where the Wealth is Concentrated in the U. S. In the United States in 2010, the most recent data available: The top one(1) percent own 42% of the privately held financial assets. The top five(5) percent own 72% of the privately held financial assets. The top ten(10) percent own 80% of the privately held financial assets. The top twenty(20) percent own 95% of the privately held financial assets. The bottom eighty(80) percent own 5% of the privately held financial assets. The bottom forty(40) percent have no financial assets.
  • Reply to: Over a Million Comments Filed on GE Salmon as New Evidence Emerges of Deeply Flawed Review   11 years 4 months ago
    You say people need to "stop being so reactionary and instead try and understand the facts to make an informed opinion," yet offer no facts yourself. People would do well to avoid speakers such as this.
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 4 months ago
    Did you miss the part where the computers were taken off-site to Michael Best & Friedrich?? Even if there was an auto backup for the State, it wouldn't extend to MBF. I'm so sick of the "both sides do it" argument. At least Dems most Dems take responsibility for their conduct and criticize their own. GOP simply continues to lie and coverup.
  • Reply to: Over a Million Comments Filed on GE Salmon as New Evidence Emerges of Deeply Flawed Review   11 years 4 months ago
    It is pretty ironic that the mantra for PRWatch is "reporting on spin and disinformation". This article is nothing but spin and disinformation. You present only the anti-GM side of the debate. The statements made by these politicians and anti-GM organizations are not scientifically sound. They are making it up as they go along. When will people stop being so reactionary and instead try and understand the facts to make an informed opinion? GM technology has provided tremendous benefits to the enviornment already. Why not expand this to animal production?
