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  • Reply to: Mad Cow USA   10 years 9 months ago

    The first time I heard about Mad Cow Disease was in the late 1980s. After I found out basically how it was transmitted in cattle, which was kind of a no brainer, I began to wonder if we were susceptible as well. The disease had already demonstrated it could jump species from scrapple in sheep to cattle. There was no logical reason to believe it could not jump from cattle to human as well. Logic dictated that it would. By 1990, I had already learned one basic truth of government. If they told us the truth, it would set precedent.

    In 1990, I began talking to coroners offices in Southern California to find out if they had participated in CJD studies. Several offices admitted they had participated in those studies and confirmed CJD in significant numbers of deceased Dementia patients. CJD evidence was found throughout the US with rates as high as 15% of Dementia patients in some regions. I talked to some close friends in the Agriculture Department at Cal Poly Pomona. I was told that Mad Cow Disease was established in the food chain.

    This info was also verified through veterinarians. I was told that the introduction of remnants in the diets of pets has significantly reduced their life span. The average life span of Dogs that did not die of injuries or disease was close to 20 years.

    A little humor here. A Mad Cow gets eaten. A Bad Cow gets even. We should call this Bad Cow Disease.

  • Reply to: Consumers Allege Perdue's "Humane" Poultry Labels Are "False and Deceptive"   10 years 9 months ago
    After raising chickens for seven years, I've come to the conclusion that you can't raise and slaughter chickens in large quantities. To be happy, chickens need acres of grassland, brush and woodland to be happy. They need to be raised by mother hens. They are far more complex creatures than people think.
  • Reply to: Meet Richard Montoni, America's Highest Paid "Caseworker"   10 years 9 months ago
    I'm appalled at the insults you throw to those who have worked hard all their lives to achieve personal goals. Men and women who have paid for their own educations, worked their way up the ladder each rung consisting of hard work, long hours and sacrifice to get to a position well deserved. No Mary, not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, some of us actually work to be able to eat off one eventually. In addition, the individuals that you coin "Highest paid ____" do more to pay back to society ( including charitable contributions) which Marry Bottari apparently you know NOTHING of or chose not to mention. They pay more in taxes then you or I will ever make which goes back into the welfare programs you so boldly claim are being victimized. After all, I'm sure as a well educated woman and "Highest paid loud mouth" you must realize that less the fifty percent of those who reside in our country pay taxes AND use the most services while the rest of us work and pay to maintain said government programs. So please Mary, next time do a fair and balanced article consisting of both sides of the issue.
  • Reply to: ALEC Assembles "Most Wanted" List, and Oklahomans Say "ALEC Is Not OK"   10 years 9 months ago
    It would be wise for any politician running for president next election to distance themselves from any affiliation with ALEC. This will become one of the main talking points supporting Immigration reform and Private Prison Reform. It would be Ill advised for anyone to take funding from them, because both Republican and Democrat Voters are appalled by what we are recently finding out about ALEC. It's only been one year since this has begun to hit mainstream. If any rouge reported is able to find any more proof by then, consider your campaign dead before it starts. By the time of next elections it will be mainstream.
  • Reply to: Bills in Congress Crackdown on Whistleblowers   10 years 9 months ago
    Out of respect for Chelsea's true identity, the author should use feminine pronouns when referencing her in the article.
