Recent comments

  • Reply to: Hey, FOX - Google Much?   18 years 9 months ago

    Maybe one day the media will get it right and make everyone happy.


  • Reply to: Berman's Center for Union Smears Hits TV Screens   18 years 9 months ago

    I wonder what Berman is going to do at the end of his life when he has to account for all he has done? How does a conscience reconcile
    misleading the public about global warming and contributing to the
    demise of the human species. Or smearing the few avenues of power
    left to the little people, like labor unions. Can this creep
    possibly be motivated only by money and power? Does he have some
    deep seated inferiority complex that compells him to be "successful" at all costs. Does he have misanthropic tendancies that causes him to secretly delight in screwing humanity? Are the conspiracy theoriest right? Maybe someone somewhere has pictures of him in a compromising photo with a donkey and evil forces are keeping him enslaved. I truly do not get a person like this. When I think of the most dedicated union member I know, a firefighter who does more in an hour for his fellow man than Berman has done in his whole life, I don't see how they both can be considered in the same species. (Not to mention the firefighter is a whole lot cuter than Berman!)
    *#@%^ But this man and his whole corporate cabal are a drain on humanity!!!!! May they be the first to melt in global warming!!!!

  • Reply to: Berman's Center for Union Smears Hits TV Screens   18 years 9 months ago

    I think the fact that Berman couldn't find a *single* real, live union member to stand up in his ad is telling. Across the entire country, with millions of dollars to spend, and they couldn't find anyone to mouth their attacks who was actually in a union. Hah.

  • Reply to: White House Snow Job   18 years 9 months ago

    may have been slightly dramatic on that post.
    when The No-Spin Padre said Bush should be tried
    as a war criminal that made me wonder what the
    The No-Spin Padre would like to happen to the

  • Reply to: Spinning (and Unspinning) Nuclear Power Worldwide   18 years 9 months ago

    From [ the Tribune] of San Luis Obispo, California (emphasis added):

    Under the new industry guidelines, nuclear plants must disclose tritium leaks that stay confined to the power plant site just as they would leaks that pollute public water sources. Plants also must report such leaks to local health authorities within a few days of the release.

    The new industry guidelines exceed rules established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and are intended to increase public confidence in nuclear power, said Ralph Andersen, chief health physicist with the Nuclear Energy Institute, the nuclear industry's trade association.

    "Even in the instances where inadvertent radiological releases in groundwater occur at levels that do not require formal reporting, we should inform local and state leaders and the public as a matter of openness and transparency," Andersen said.
