Submitted by John Stauber on
Do you think it's easy flacking for an unpopular lame duck president who has mired the nation in an unnecessary and brutal war that is draining the treasury and has turned world opinion against the United States? What PR guy could possibly be persuaded to take this job? Tony Snow, former talk show host and commentator for Fox News.
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north450 replied on Permalink
Believe that George Bush is a great president.
There has not been one attack on US soil since 911.
George Bush took the right course.
Its easy to criticize after the facts.
No Spin Padre replied on Permalink
Bush a great president? Are you kidding?
Bush has been a lousy President, the worst EVER in US history. Bush had the intel in his hand in August 2001 to prevent 9-11, but didn't. He doesn't like to read difficult things. 3,000 dead.
Bush lied to the world about his reasons for invading Iraq; 2,400+ (and rising) US fighting men and women dead. He has forgotten who Osama Bin Laden is and what he did.
Bush has trampled individual rights with his program of illegal spying on US citizens. He cares not a bit for anyone who makes less money than he and his cronies make. His friends in Big Oil are kissing his hand these days. "Mission accomplished."
Bush should be tried as a war criminal, for that is what his actions have made him.
The No-Spin Padre
north450 replied on Permalink
If North450 would be President of the USA
If North450 would be President of the Usa you would be shot for treason.
Furthermore your statements are pack of lies.
Bush never had the imformation to prevent 911.
Bush has never trampled individual rights.
The fact that they rounded up a thousand arabs was
for the protection of the country,
Remember what they did to the japanese after Perl
Sheldon Rampton replied on Permalink
Threats not permitted on this site
You wrote: "If North450 would be President of the Usa you would be shot for treason."
We regard this as a threat of violence, and I must warn you that any further threats of this nature will result in your being banned from further posting to this website.
I can't refrain from adding that someone who is this eager to kill people simply for expressing ideas with which he disagrees certainly lacks the discernment necessary to judge whether Bush has "trampled individual rights."
north450 replied on Permalink
humbly apoligize
may have been slightly dramatic on that post.
when The No-Spin Padre said Bush should be tried
as a war criminal that made me wonder what the
The No-Spin Padre would like to happen to the