Let me preface by saying almost all the family farmers I know grow some GMO crops. So if the concern is pesticides, and RoundUp in particular, why ban all GMOs vs "RoundUp ready" GMOs or better yet, the use of glyphosate, residential as well as farm?
Is it possible for judges to accept free "educational" junkets?
Is there any sense of ethic in our judiciary and political "leaders"?
Time to remove this judge from the bench.
The IRS Rule is incorrect. It uses the word "PRIMARILY" instead of the CORRECT word "EXCLUSIVELY" engaged in "SOCIAL
WELFARE" activity. That means engaging in POLITICAL ACTIVITY means NO TAX DEDUCTION and NO DONOR SECRECY!!!!
Treasury Secretary LEW is taking public comments now on this matter before correcting the IRS RULE.
The Federal 501(c)(4) STATUTE dates to 1913---the RULE was INCORRECTLY CHANGED in 1959.
Your letter does not indicate whether your organization is actively engaged in preserving the intention of the organic label or is open to compromise for the benefit of the food industry. Do you have a list of changes to the NOP that have been proposed and accepted by your organization?