Recent comments

  • Reply to: One-sided View of Gaza Attacks Predominates in US Media   16 years 2 months ago

    Tel Aviv hawks don't want to remove the Hamas : they put it where it is and need it at their doorstep to remain in power.

    What these guys want is to ignite a 3rd intifada, provoke a war with Hezbollah, win big Feb. 10, and get rid of moderates in Palestine, in the Muslim world, and furthermore in Israel.

    Stephane MOT -
    blogules and other Weapons of Mass Disinformation


  • Reply to: Felt Up in Heaven, or Down in Hell?   16 years 2 months ago

    All that glitters isn't gold. . . . .

  • Reply to: America Scams You: Allison Barber's Many "No-No's"   16 years 2 months ago
    On December 10, President Bush gave the [ Presidential Citizens Medal] to 23 people, including actor Gary Sinise, whose "Lt. Dan Band" (his musical group, named after his character in the movie "[ Forrest Gump]") was paid more than $15,000 under the America Supports You program. $1,038 of that was for one meal, with a $252 alcohol tab. The [ Defense Department Inspector General's report] flags these as inappropriate expenses. Also receiving the medal was Pentagon pundit, lobbyist and military contractor consultant [[Wayne A. Downing]].
  • Reply to: No Shame at NBC   16 years 2 months ago

    As a loyal and long-time viewer and enthusiastic supporter of MSNBC, I would point out that I have not seen or heard Barry McCaffery on MSNBC since some time in 2007 and not at all this year. I certainly agree with your post's excoriation of McCaffery, who seems cheerfully to play all sides of any story relating to the Pentagon and administration defense policy.

    The only "general" (a bird colonel actually) on MSNBC consistently is Jack Jacobs, a Medal of Honor recipient and former lecturer at the Defense Department's War College, the primary training ground for general officers. Jacobs's viewpoint is always considered and fair; he is no Pentagon mouthpiece, or at least I've never felt he was.

    My own opinions as a retired reserve officer of the US Air Force are colored by my completely liberal political position.

    Charles Neighbors

  • Reply to: Another Sickening Partnership: The CEO of City of Hope Profits From Causing and Curing Disease   16 years 2 months ago
    By nagging non-smoking people who can't shut up about smoking. This has kinda ruined this website for me. I thought you were doing well until you decided to harrass and try to intimidate smokers like me that don't want to hear another dam word out of people like you. I would rather die of a disease then listen to your bitchin. If I wanted someone to tell me WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING AND WHAT KIND OF PERSONAL DECISIONS I SHOULD MAKE-I'd get fucking married. Who died and made you GOD??? They don't even have any tests that prove conclusively that second-hand smoke HURTS ANYONE! It's NOTHING but greedy people money thing. How much do YOU make trying to make people feel guilty? 'Cause you can take my word for it, I DON'T feel guilty, I'm MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND????? Excuse me while I go make some videos and advertise for the tobacco companies FOR FREE.
