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  • Reply to: Whatever Industry Wants   16 years 5 days ago

    the fox guarding the hen house.

  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   16 years 5 days ago

    Since Obama has been President aerial drones have accidently killed civilians in Pakistan........WAR CRIMINAL

    We are still in Iraq illegally.....WAR CRIMINAL...can issue an executive order and begin leaving tomorrow

    Men are still be held without trial in Gitmo....WAR CRIMINAL can issue an executive order and begin releasing them tomorrow.

    Of course we know why Bush did all of the above.....he is evil, stupid and wants to dole out money to the likes of Blackwater and Halliburton......Obama is the smartest guy around and he is doing the same thing. According to the nutty left Bush is stupid/evil......What's Obama's excuse since he seems to be mirroring Bush's policies. Why shouldn't Obama be a war criminal to?.....

  • Reply to: Getting Consumers to Pay Now for Nukes Later   16 years 5 days ago

    The [ Atlanta Journal-Constitution] reports that Florida -- which is "among several Southern states that Georgia Power and its legislative backers have pointed to as reason to pass Senate Bill 31 in Georgia" -- is trying to get rid of its nuclear pre-financing measure:

    In the past two weeks, Florida Republicans, including the state Senate president pro tem, drafted two bills aimed at a 2006 law requiring power customers to pay early for new nuclear reactors.

    The bills are a reaction to public outrage, after those nuclear fees had an unexpectedly expensive and politically disastrous debut this winter.

    One power company’s customers saw already spiking bills go up an extra 11 percent due to the nuclear fee.

  • Reply to: Before Blackwater Had Xe, PM Had NewCo   16 years 6 days ago
    You were doing good until the final paragraph, which reflects an absolute lack of research and knowledge. The US Government closed the Army's School of the Americas and opened the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Those activists you refer to didn't know anything factual about the school, and they certainly did no research on the institute, so they could continue their fraudulent 'movement' against US foreign policy in the region. Trouble is, the policy had changed already. The government closed the school and opened the institute to get away from the name itself, but so the security cooperation that almost everyone likes could continue. There has never been one example of anyone using what he learned at the school to commit a crime, so you miss the entire point of the creation of a new organization. And, as I have offered to others of your organization in the past, come see us and see for yourself who we are and what we do. We are open to visitors every workday. Sincerely, Lee A. Rials Public Affairs Officer Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
  • Reply to: Kids Who Watch R-Rated Movies More Likely to Smoke   16 years 6 days ago

    I definitely think smoking in movies influences teens, especially those who do not have strong adult role models. I am glad they examined lax parenting as a variable though. Parents who don't care or are abusive could create more rebellious kids who see adult movies, smoke, and probably a whole host of other things. If it really is a casual relationship, there should be no worries about rigorous scientific methodology. The sounder the science, the more confident we can be of the findings.
