Recent comments

  • Reply to: Shut Up and Take Your Medicine   16 years 2 days ago

    Bad doctors deserve to be exposed

  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   16 years 3 days ago

    wouldn't this idea be best served right now, by going after the banks, and the upper- crust of them!?

  • Reply to: Before Blackwater Had Xe, PM Had NewCo   16 years 3 days ago
    <i> -- I have worked in public relations for 20 years and it never ceases to amaze me how many stupid, naive, misinformed people are still breathing out there. </i> So it must feel good to vent your true feelings now and then, as relief from the PR person's mandatory perpetual smiley face. <i> -- Governments do what they have to do to ensure the armchair idealists who have an opinion on everything but have no clue about anything -- </i> Do their best, with the help of folks like you, to make sure we never <i>do</i> get a clue. <i> -- can drive their cars to the supermarket, buy the food they want to eat, as they sit in front of their flat-screen televisions in either air conditioned or centrally heated comfort. </i> Actually, our house is wood-heated and we grow a lot of our own food. But okay, I'll trash the flat-screen and dig the old CRT out of the attic. <i> -- No legitimate companies or organisations, I repeat, no legitimate companies or organisations hold meetings with an agenda item that says – how do we screw the consumer.</i> Of course not. It's all mission statements and customer bills of rights and fair labor practices and what-have-you. It's what they actually do when push comes to shove that's at issue. Don't read their lips, watch their hips. <i> -- Sir Winston Churchill summed it up best of all when he said that the truth is so precious, it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies.</i> Wow -- talk about weasels guarding a henhouse!
  • Reply to: The Mormon Proposition   16 years 3 days ago

    You have presented an Interesting argument. I would, however, like to point out one fallacy in your statement. You say, "Traditionally, baptism has always been performed on the living,.."

    I can only assume that you are speaking of Christian baptism, as I know of no other form or type of baptism. Now, as far as your use of the word "traditionally" I can only wonder as to how far back into history you are looking. I think it's safest to say that we can gain the most accuracy into what Christ intended with baptism by looking at the Bible, specifically the New Testament. In the new testament are many references to baptism, including one which you may be interested in, 1 Corinthians 15:29 (King James), which reads:

    "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?"

    Clearly "traditional" baptism includes baptism for the dead as well as the living, as both forms existed in the church that Christ founded. So I would argue that baptism for the dead does not "violate and degrade the sanctity of traditional and holy baptism of the living." IMO

  • Reply to: Before Blackwater Had Xe, PM Had NewCo   16 years 3 days ago
    I have worked in public relations for 20 years and it never ceases to amaze me how many stupid, naive, misinformed people are still breathing out there. In an ideal world, there would be no wars, no poverty, no jealousy, no haves and have-nots, no philosophical differences; the whole world would just get along. It would be perfect, but it is never going to happen. All the social conditioning and political correctness in the world is never going to override millions of years of genetic human instinct; namely fear, greed, and survival of the fittest. Mr Rials is correct. People want security, but they don’t want to know how it is delivered. In another example, people want to purchase their steak and chicken at a reasonable price, but they don’t want to see the growing conditions or killing process that puts the meat on their dinner plate. They want to send their Hallmark birthday cards, but they don’t want to see forests being cleared. Corporations and governments are easy targets for criticism, yet we all still buy food, send cards, and expect to live peacefully in our secure leafy suburbs. Governments do what they have to do to ensure the armchair idealists who have an opinion on everything but have no clue about anything, can drive their cars to the supermarket, buy the food they want to eat, as they sit in front of their flat-screen televisions in either air conditioned or centrally heated comfort. Sure things go wrong from time to time and we don’t need these always-right-in-hindsight idiots stirring up the other idiots. They are like monkeys in a tree; one starts screeching, so they all start screeching – regardless of the fact that there really is nothing worth screeching about. There would be no need for any PR campaigns at all if the 80 percent of the people in western countries simply got up off their arses and educated themselves about an issue instead of relying on a right or left leaning media for their daily dose of the ‘truth as they want it to be.’ If I could rely on the majority to be able to see a balance in any argument or government initiative, I would not need to ‘sell’ an alternative point of view to critics of an idea. No legitimate companies or organisations, I repeat, no legitimate companies or organisations hold meetings with an agenda item that says – how do we screw the consumer. Even with the best intensions, sometimes things go wrong, or an outcome occurs that was not anticipated. These are mistakes and everyone makes them. I hate to break it to the idealists reading this, but there is never going to be a risk-free endeavour. If a bus hits a person, as he or she crosses the road, do we say we are going to take all the busses off the roads so it never happens again? No. Of course we don’t. In a war or security environment, innocent people are sometimes affected. This, unfortunately, is the price we have to pay. Sir Winston Churchill summed it up best of all when he said that the truth is so precious, it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies.
