Recent comments

  • Reply to: A Victory for Ehren Watada -- and for Freedom of the Press   15 years 10 months ago
    The Iraq war is an illegally started war of aggression. I'm proud to have made a token contribution to Lt. Watada's legal defense fund.
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 10 months ago
    I firmly believe that with the enacting of the unPatriot Act, the knowledge that the government has and probably still is recording every phone call and keystroke, and people are drugged down through fluoride poison and pharmaceuticals in the water, and the crap drugs that most doctors feed them, are some of the reasons people are afraid to participate in demonstrations. We are afraid and demoralized. That's how you control the population.
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 10 months ago
    Maybe if the Green Party would start at the local levels like state Reps and Senators, or US Reps and Senators, they might have a chance. You can't build a party by just going for the Presidency every four years, that'll never work. I do agree with much of the Green Party's platform, but it will never be a viable option without building from the ground up. Single payer is the only viable option for a prosperous future.
  • Reply to: A Victory for Ehren Watada -- and for Freedom of the Press   15 years 10 months ago
    Wow, PRIVATE Ehren Watada (HE DOESN'T DESERVE THE RIGHT WEAR THE BARS) who knew that acting like a 2 year old child and saying “NO I’M NOT GOING” could avoid someone from SERVING THEIR COUNTRY. THE SAYING “THE APPLE DOESN’T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE IS A DIRECT SAYING BECAUSE HIS FATHER DID THE SAME COWARDLY ACT WHEN HE REFUSED TO SERVE IN THE VET WAR..WHAT A FAMILY FULL OF SPINE-LESS WIMPS….HE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN DAD’S SAAAC...He stated that he didn’t want to fight an illegal war well it is ILLEGAL TO STEAL MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT and the spine-less jellyfish should have thought about that before he stole the government’s money. SEND THEM ALL BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT TRUE AMERICANS. To all those who have empathy for this low life spine-less PUSS in any way or agree with his feelings your nothing but ungrateful HEARTLESS wimps and don’t have any honor or proud for your country nor yourselves. What a joke. Obviously you have never taken the oath or served your country, so why are you even here or commenting? You know nothing of honor, integrity or character. BEFORE GIVING THE SPINE-LESS COWARD A DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE DOG HIM OUT TO THE FULLEST. 1) BUST THE SCUM-BAG DOWN TO A PRIVATE “E” NOTHING WITH “NO PAY DUES” UNTIL HE IS KICKED OUT. 2) MAKE HIM PAY THE GOVERNMENT BACK ALL THE MONEY WITH INTEREST 3) STRIP HIM OF ALL THE RIGHTS TO BE CALLED A VETERAN BECAUSE THE COWARD WOULD HAVE HAD TO SERVE NOT JUST WEAR THE UNIFORM TO BE CONSIDERED ONE. 4) SEND HIS SORRY A** TO JAIL FOR DISOBEYING A DIRECT ORDER, VIOLATITING THE CODE OF THE UCMJ 5) TAKE HIS NUTZZZ SO HE CAN’T PRODUCE ANYMORE COWARDS LIKE HIMSELF. 6) MAKE SURE HE GETS A FELONY CONVICTION AND THE GOVERNMENT TURNS THEIR BACK ON HIM LIKE HE TURNED HIS BACK ON HIS COUNTRY. When he took this very oath: I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. THERE IS NO WHERE IN THAT OATH DOES IT SAY “I CAN DISGRACE MY COUNTRY, THE UNIFORM AND PUSS OUT” WHEN CALLED TO DEFEND MY COUNTRY. I HAVE BEEN A REAL MILITARY ARMY SOLIDER WHO SERVED FROM 1988 TO 2009 AND HAVE BEEN ON MANY DEPLOYMENTS FROM OPERATION DESERT STORM TO THE PRESENT WARS MORE TIMES THEN I CARE TO COUNT, BUT I SIGNED THAT CONTRACT TO SERVE AND PROTECT MY COUNTRY AND I KNEW THAT I WOULD HAVE TO FIGHT FOR MY COUNTRY IF NEEDED. I’M WHAT YOU CALL A REAL TRUE AMERICAN/ VETERAN….NOT A PERSON TRYING TO GET A FREE RIDE FROM UNCLE SAM FOR A EDUCATION.
  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   15 years 10 months ago

    Blackwater is a for profit only company. It is no different than hiring a merc or a hitman to complete a task. There is a reason why Blackwater came under scrutiny. They are not heroes. Heroes do things to benefit the people, not expecting money in return. Plus, many "contractors" are battle hardened disillusioned individuals who get off on killing.
