Recent comments

  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 10 months ago
    The comments are very appropriate and it is hard to deny the influence of the healthcare power brokers. In Obama's case remember that his wife was handsomely paid by a large Hospital System, and that salary tripled when he became a senator. So the fix is probably in. On the other hand, the sigle payer systems mentioned enjoyed by the europeans, and canadians are not always enjoyed. Rationing care through screening, delays, and limited availability of certain treatments frequently frustrate their citizens. Dying while waiting for certain treatments, or denials of treatments designed to improve the quality of life will be a difficult pill to swallow for those who have paid for their care under the current system. Along with the fix, the administration seems to want to use the not yet invented time machine. There is no question that successfully moving to a prevention, disparities reduction agenda will lead to future health cost reductions. Unfortunately, we have a population that includes many individuals who will need extensive care including end of life care issues. So, a plan that expects to implement a prevention agenda and simultaneously dismantel the hospital/nursing home model has time and reality against it. The health disparities we face now suggest growth in the hospital.nursing home sector, The prevention agenda requires extensive resources to manage that change in this country. That will also take time. Can they invent the time machine fast enough?
  • Reply to: Putting Lipstick on a Sick Pig   15 years 10 months ago

    The best article ever written on the subject;

  • Reply to: Putting Lipstick on a Sick Pig   15 years 10 months ago

    And all this time you believing they worked for you. If the public only knew the truth behind these vertically integrated pork chop hell factories that produce the poisoned meat and ever-evolving doomsday microbes that'll sooner or later kill millions, if not billions. Why, if they knew they wouldn't eat it. And so this is why the ever-smiling Dr. Gupta is turned around at the pig factory gate never to return to finish the story. Someone of importance up there in CNN's upper realm must have sent firm instructions through the gatekeeper...I mean producers to drop the investigation. The public enjoyed two, maybe three days of genuine journalism. It took that long for the irresistible weight of the agribusiness/government tag-team to force the so-called mainstream media into tight lockstep with global economic policy.

    An so the coverage devolved from genuine, serious, objective reporting into an agenda-serving formula of dumbed-down non-explanations. The only place where truth has a chance of seeing the light of day is in civil court (which IMO was a prime motovator for moving focus away from the actual source and towards the actions of a frightened, confused public). Please, please, let a highly talented, determined law firm take the lead in this matter. Investigate, form a class-action, and bleed the green out of these pigs until they squeal their last.

  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 10 months ago
    Rather strange to me to find that in PA part of the tax upon cigarettes is to off set Medical Malpractice Insurance Premiums! Now let me get this straight . I should have to help pay for a Health Care Professionals Malpractice Insurance ? Say what? The third leading cause of death in the US is Medical Malpractice killing over 200,000 Americans a year! That's about 75% more than the estimated deaths due to smoking! Why do we not see this being discussed? Cover thy rear in practice here? Paying for a so called professional right to screw up kill, vegetate or paralyze a person for life is going to far. I drive semi truck these days after years of working on Inertial Guidance Systems for ICBMs. If I run over a car, kill or maim the occupants because of my negligence I go to prison, It's called criminal negligence. Why should Medical Professionals be any different?
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 10 months ago
    ZIonism is a problem but Islamism is not? Has the left forgotten the connection between Islamism and Oil Parasitism? Has the left forgotten the slogan NO BLOOD FOR OIL? Countries like Saudi Arabia have been funding Islamic fundamentalists to ensure that no one notices their own reactionary regimes and how much they profit from over-priced oil. Has anyone even bothered to read the history of Islamic imperialism and how the Muslim Arabs enslaved Africans for centuries before the Europeans got involved? African Americans need to know the real history of the Islamic empires and slavery. African Americans have no interest in joining hands with their ex-slavemasters - Christians or Islamists. For African Americans, Obama is the best president they could have dreamed off - all this bashing just shows that the "left" still doesn't understand what it means to have been an enslaved black. Many blacks have delusions about Islam. But some of us who are better educated have no illusions. That is why we are still with Obama.
