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  • Reply to: A New Way to Enjoy Nicotine Addiction   15 years 5 months ago

    Don't let them bring snus into America!! I'm an American living in Sweden. If you want to add a whole new layer of litter to your streets and sidewalks, let snus in. If you want to see pavements covered with little used bags of tobacco or whatever it is, let snus in. It's disgusting. Really.

  • Reply to: Sneaky Manufacturers Shrink Packaging, While Keeping Prices the Same   15 years 5 months ago

    Texas supermarket chain HEB has found an even sneakier way to raise prices. Their store brand canned dog food is still 22 ounces per can, but they've greatly increased the water content. It now looks more like dog soup than dog food.

  • Reply to: Is Obama Planning to Sign Congress' Health Care Reform Bill with Lipstick?   15 years 5 months ago
    Please, Mr. Potter, YOU need to become President Obama's new BFF. Who is he kidding with Ron Williams? It might as well be Ron Paul or Ron Jeremy. Keep doing all you can to keep the dream of a government option alive! I am not ready to give up. Private insurers add nothing to health care other than add a hefty "tax" on all Americans either directly through our premiums or indirectly by taxing our productivity. The costs they add to health care would not be tolerated if they were taxes levied by the government. Try to explain that to your conservative friends.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   15 years 5 months ago
    Thank you, Mr. Potter, for all your thoughtful work on behalf of real health care reform. I appreciate your excellent letter backing Senator Rockefeller's ammendments to the Baucus/gang of six bill. That bill, however, is an obscenity, that represents no kind of reform in the sense that it might benefit the American people whatsoever, and it has at its core the most absurd premise that there could be any sort of bipartisan support for any kind of real reform. The democrats need to accept that there will be no bipartisan support for anything that constitutes reform and move on even under threats of insurers and their lobbyists. Mr. Potter, I know you acknowledge that reform demands a public option and that mandatory enrollment in private insurance is a flawed plan. I wonder if you will consider my idea, which is rougly this. Allow anyone under 65 to buy Medicare by paying premiums. My idea is to charge something over the true cost (as determined by the Congressional Budget Office and/or the GAO) for those who can afford it, I think about 20%, to help supplement premiums for those of lower incomes where it could be combined with tax credits to make it affordable. Expanding the Medicare system would avoid the creation of a brand new bureaucracy where an efficient one already exists. I would buy this in a minute for myself. There's still a role for private insurers to offer Medicare supplements as they do now. I tend to agree with another commenter that a sanction for repeated abuses by a for-profit insurer, might be liquidation and conversion to non-profit status, which would be a step toward getting non-profits into the competitive mix. That's a pretty strong incentive to shareholders to keep the place clean.
  • Reply to: Exposing How the Government Lied about National Security Letters and the Patriot Act   15 years 5 months ago
    Another harm resulting from such unconstitutional government behavior is - the reputation of someone is toast if his bank gets an NSL letter - it would the be the buzz of the town!
