Recent comments

  • Reply to: Bernanke: Wrong Speech, Wrong Nominee   15 years 2 months ago
    You are wrong.
  • Reply to: Searching for Pecora   15 years 2 months ago
    It will also only have one year to undertake its inquiry. Its final report is due in December of 2010.
  • Reply to: Bernanke: Wrong Speech, Wrong Nominee   15 years 2 months ago
    Stevor says Obama and his entire staff should be fired. As if the economic meltdown was his fault. If the Bush cartel had not been appointed by the right wing SCOTUS or allowed to steal their second "election" with rigged voting machines this never would have happened. Typical tighty righty memory loss.
  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   15 years 2 months ago

    Curiously (because I am a hard-working contra-tabaconista), I found the Sigourney Weaver character's smoking in 'Avatar' to have been 'appropriate', although, like most of the rest of the film, it didn't work and there were surely more interesting and effective alternatives that could have been employed.

    I think the smoking was meant to show the character as a a 'dedicated scientist' equally oblivious to her effects on others as on herself. (Her first response to discovering the tree of souls was, 'Gee, I'd like to get samples of that'.) Even when she is acting to get Jake out of the clutches of the evil Marine Colonel, the viewer is meant to understand this as dead-cold, dedicated-to-science behaviour, or at least as having that primary dimension. When she begins to show genuine concern for Na'vi not just as study objects, we are intended, therefore, to 'discover' another aspect of the character and therefore care about her death and her incorporation into the soul-net.

    Apart from the thoughtless and harmful use of smoking to characterize a role, the real problem was, that like every other 'point' in the film, Cameron chose to make it with a bludgeon. His film-making philosophy seems to be, 'If I can't make that led-to-water-horse drink, I can damn well drown the bugger.'

    For me, the saddest thing was how low Sigourney Weaver has sunken. Having her fail to translate into a disgustingly cute alien (am I the only person whom the Na'vi remind of Jo Jo Binks?) is far worse than having her fight evil ones. This an actor, after all, who played in 'The Year of Living Dangerously'. Aweel, Mel Gibson has fallen even further.

    At the end of the film, my companion said: 'It was good. It was good. No it wasn't, it was crap.'

    A fellow in the row in front of us fell asleep and didn't waken even as the theatre emptied. I would encapsulate his review as: 'Soporific!'

  • Reply to: Government Report Absolves ACORN of Voter Fraud   15 years 2 months ago

    acorn is a crooked organization! you could see when they got their fingers caught in the wringer giving the pimp and his girl advice on tape mind you.... and ooo did they ever cry foul when caught.... the feds money ooo wait its part my money should stop and now ... think about it folks ....
