Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto

WholeFoodsMarketAfter 12 years of battling to stop Monsanto's genetically-engineered (GE) crops from contaminating the nation's organic farmland, the biggest retailers of "natural" and "organic" foods in the U.S., including Whole Foods Market (WFM), Organic Valley and Stonyfield Farm, have agreed to stop opposing mass commercialization of GE crops, like Monsanto's controversial Roundup Ready alfalfa.

In exchange for dropping their opposition, WFM has asked for "compensation" to be paid to organic farmers for "any losses related to the contamination of his crop." Under current laws, Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs) are not subject to any pre-market safety testing or labeling. WFM is abandoning its fight with biotech companies in part because two thirds of the products they sell are not certified organic anyway, but are really conventional, chemical-intensive and foods that may contain GMOs and that they market as "natural" despite this. Most consumers don't know the difference between "natural" and "certified organic" products. "Natural" products can come from crops and animals fed nutrients containing GMOs. "Certified Organic" products are GMO-free. WFM and their main distributor, United Natural Foods, maximize profits by selling products labeled "natural" at premium organic prices.  (A typographical error in the second sentence of this story was subsequently corrected.  We regret this minor error.)


Whole Foods has not been "organic" for some time. The term "natural" (which Whole Foods used) does not mean organic.

Monsanto would just love for everyone to be that confused.


The processes that produce seedless fruits -- and have since long before Monsanto -- are at the chromosomal level, not the genetic level. It's like the difference between chemistry and nuclear physics.

There is a HUGE difference between NATURAL SELECTION and GMO, you moron.

What you call NATURAL SELECTION, UMMMMM, NO., could be called Genetic Engineering. Many grapes used to have many seeds in them that were good for us. Lots of nutrition in them too when we ate them... about 30 or so years ago. The 'powers that be' changed the grapes in our markets today, to seedless varieties - which I'd never heard of before that. How times change - and with them, our foods in a lot of not-good ways.

Because that's a GMO created by people, not natural selection.... moron.

You have a point about Corn, but selective hybridization is not exactly on the same level as splicing frog genes into tomato plants. That's also true of seedless grapes and seedless oranges. Most of the produce that you know on your table is a result of selective hybridization -- people purposely cross breeding the same family of plants to create desired results such as bigger pumpkins, meatier tomatoes, starchier potatoes or whatever.

As to the article: I used to work for a company that is now owned by UNFI. I understand the capitulation. It's an expensive fight against Monsanto and others who ally themselves with Monsanto's interests. It's not only like fighting Golaith but it's also like whacking those gophers in the arcade game.

I think that a new line has been drawn to protect organic farmers, and that is imperative that their crops and the integrity of "organic" be protected. My personal feeling is that this is a better and more effective use of resources. My hope is that Whole Foods and the natural foods industry will focus on education about what organic is, its benefits (some are perceived incorrectly), heirloom varieties, the importance of seed perservation for varieties, the importance of having a varied diet, and not the least... how better stewardship of land and waters is good for human beings (environment, atmosphere, health for ecosystems, health for people).

there is a BIG difference in GMO and Monsanto GMO.... they are "roundup ready" which in turn means you are eating pesticides and agent orange. they should be labeled.
