Grim-Faced Union Leaders Ready for the Fight Over Right to Work
Wisconsin state legislators will meet in an "extraordinary session" today in order to take up so-called "right to work" legislation.
Wisconsin state legislators will meet in an "extraordinary session" today in order to take up so-called "right to work" legislation.
By Steve Arnold, an alderman from Fitchburg, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Republicans have called a special session to take up a "right to work" measure attacking private sector unions--and the text of the bill is taken word-for-word from American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) model legislation.
No, the Walker criminal probe is not dead.
Two suburban Wisconsin lawmakers have unveiled an economic development plan for the lowest-income neighborhoods of Milwaukee, and their "solutions" for the Wisconsin communities hit hardest by deindustrialization come directly from a national right-wing playbook.
Defense contractor Northrop Grumman has ended its relationship with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), thanks to shareholder engagement from the Fond du Lac, Wisconsin-based Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes.
CMD and Common Cause filed a request for details about Walker's trip to the Koch summit.
Wisconsin GOP pushes constitutional amendment to strip Chief Justice Abrahamson of her title.
Just weeks after Wisconsin's controversial Governor Scott Walker was elected to a second term, a group with ties to the billionaire Koch brothers has launched a new effort to destroy unions.
A hole in Wisconsin's campaign finance laws opened by federal judge Rudolph Randa in September is being exploited by out-of-state billionaires like Sheldon Adelson.
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