
Freedom Fries, Hold the Freedom

The U.S. State Department is warning Americans in Italy that "not all demonstrations" planned during George Bush's visit this weekend "are expected to be peaceful." Italian peace groups are organizing several demonstrations; one Rome-based activist explained: "We are going to disrupt this visit ...


The Difference Between Terrorists and Wedding Guests

"What exactly did U.S. military aircraft attack in the western Iraqi desert in the early morning of May 19, 2004?" asks Jefferson Morley. "If you read the U.S. press, that question is the subject of legitimate dispute and official investigation. If you read the overseas online media, you will find little doubt that the U.S. forces, deliberately or accidentally, perpetrated a 'massacre' near the village of Qaim that killed up to 45 people, including many women and children.


Coming Clean at the Times

The New York Times, which published a mea culpa on May 26 for its flawed reporting that helped promote war fever against Iraq, has now published a second, harder-hitting self-criticism by Times ombudsman Daniel Okrent. "The failure was not individual, but institutional," Okrent writes. "War requires an extra standard of care, not a lesser one.



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