Vets for Freedom Offers Free DC Trips to Pro-War Lobbyists
Submitted by John Stauber on
The pro-war lobby is heading to Washington and the halls of Congress Tuesday, April 8, when General David Petraeus testifies on the continuing war in Iraq.
Submitted by John Stauber on
The pro-war lobby is heading to Washington and the halls of Congress Tuesday, April 8, when General David Petraeus testifies on the continuing war in Iraq.
Mark Penn runs the labor-busting PR giant Burson-Marsteller and is the top strategist and pollster for Hillary Clinton's campaign for president. His mixed loyalties have been a continuing image problem for Clinton, to the degree his conflicts makes the news.
The Wall Street Journal first reported, on April 4, that Penn had "met with Colombia's ambassador to the U.S. on Monday to discuss a bilateral free-trade agreement, a pact the presidential candidate (Clinton) opposes." Burson-Marsteller "has a contract with the South American nation to promote congressional approval of the trade deal."
The New York Times later noted that Penn apologized for his conflict of loyalty saying "the meeting was an error in judgment." But that was not enough. Saturday, April 5, Colombia fired Penn (and B-M his company) for his embarrassing bumbling. Still, Hillary Clinton is sticking by her man Mark - for now.
Submitted by John Stauber on
Mark Penn runs the labor-busting PR giant Burson-Marsteller and is the top strategist and pollster for Hillary Clinton's campaign for president.
By Avelino Maestas, Congresspedia Assistant Managing Editor
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
On April 1, executives from Exxon Mobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP and Shell testified before the U.S.
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration determined that a particular chemical in plastic was not harmful, they used scientific studies to prove it.
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
The Environmental Protection Agency began closing several of its libraries in 2006 due to a shrinking budget. But the agency did not take into account how access to important environmental data would be blocked for legislators, researchers and citizens.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Former Republican staffers of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources have formed a new group, Responsible Resources, to impact "the perennial debate over energy production and environmental protection." The group's first ad campaign criticizes "efforts to raise taxes on energy companies," reports The Hill.
While several measures advanced by the Senate were stripped from the economic stimulus bill signed earlier this month by President Bush, Democrats this week were still pushing for their inclusion in a second stimulus package. Also, negotiations continued on the long-debated farm bill extension, the Senate briefly discussed a withdrawal timetable for Iraq, and the House fought over a proposal for an independent ethics panel.
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