All's Fair in Love and Political Ads
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
The CEO of the public relations firm Burson Marsteller, Mark Penn, likes John McCain's TV ad likening Barack Obama to celebrities like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
The CEO of the public relations firm Burson Marsteller, Mark Penn, likes John McCain's TV ad likening Barack Obama to celebrities like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
The McCain campaign, which boasts of its "straight talk," is running this deceptive TV ad
Submitted by Anne Landman on
Most everyone admits that minimizing junk mail would save a lot of trees, but because of the profits it generates, it isn't about to go away.
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
Both the Democratic and Republican conventions are bringing in millions of dollars in corporate sponsors, but there is no reporting requirement for either the political parties or the companies. There are a reported 146 organizational and corporate donors, but less than a quarter have chosen to disclose information about their donations.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Ads from groups weighing in on the U.S.
Submitted by John Stauber on
Attendees at the Netroots Nation conference in Austin were offered the latest Nation magazine with a cover article by Christopher Hayes. He writes, "This year, MoveOn turns ten. ...
Submitted by Bob Burton on
Eli Lilly has been fined A$60,000 for issuing a media release promoting a version of its erectile dysfunction drug Cialis despite an Australian ban on direct-to-consumer advertising. In April Eli Lilly released Cialis Once-a-Day. To coincide with its launch, the company issued a media release headlined "New research reveals scheduled sex a turn-off," which promoting the results of a Lilly-commissioned opinion poll.
Submitted by Anne Landman on
Advertisers are increasingly writing swear words into television commercial scripts just so they can bleep them out.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"Horrified directors of global marketing giant Young & Rubicam have begun a sell-off of their holdings in Zimbabwe, after learning the company's head was behind Robert Mugabe's election campaign image makeover," reports Rowan Philp.
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