Examining and exposing the activities of lobbyists and their firms is an important aspect of the Center for Media and Democracy's work. Now you can help, via our online collaborative encyclopedia, SourceWatch!
SourceWatch has many articles related to this industry, but because the players and the issue change frequently, our resources can always use some updating. The Hill recently released a list of the most powerful individual lobbyists at http://thehill.com/business--lobby/the-new-sheriffs-in-town-2007-04-24.html.
Can you help us track these influence peddlers? Go to SourceWatch and do a search for one of the lobbyists on The Hill's list. If you find an article, please add the quote from the article in The Hill by saying, "According to the April 25, 2007 issue of The Hill, lobbyist X is ...." and add the link to the article. If The Hill lists a lobbyist who is not already in SourceWatch, please create a short "stub" article on him or her (with the lobbyist's name, The Hill info, and any other information you might find on him/her).
If this is your first time editing, you can register as a SourceWatch volunteer editor here , and learn more about adding information to the site here and here. Thanks for joining the CMD truth squad!