
America's Slip is Showing

"As the war in Iraq continues for a fourth year, the global image of America has slipped further, even among people in some countries closely allied with the United States," reports Brian Knowlton, citing a new opinion poll by the Pew Research Center. The poll found significant declines in esteem for the United States in countries including Spain, India, Russia, Indonesia and Turkey, and smaller declines in France, Germany and Jordan.


Shredding Policy Haunts British American Tobacco

British American Tobacco (BAT) has suffered a major legal setback after a Sydney judge found that the company's "document retention policy," under which sensitive documents were shredded, had been developed "in furtherance of the commission of a fraud." In a case before the New South Wales Dust Diseases Tribunal, Justice Jim Curtis heard uncontested evidence from former BAT solicitor Fred Gulson that the policy was designed so that the company could shred potentially damaging documents.


Iraq the Most Deadly War for Reporters

The Iraq war "is now the deadliest war for reporters in the past century," reports Editor and Publisher. Seventy-one journalists and 26 media support staff have been killed in Iraq since 2003. That compares to 69 journalists killed in World War II, 63 in Vietnam and 17 in Korea. In addition, at least 42 journalists have been kidnapped in Iraq, according to Reporters Without Borders.


AANRs: Australian Audio News Releases

The Australian TV show Mediawatch notes our study on video news releases and goes on to report, "We haven't found any examples as bad as that on Australian TV, but the radio equivalent -- the audio news release -- has definitely arrived." Mediawatch tracked one ANR, paid for by



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