Four Ways ALEC Tried to Ruin Your State This Year
This year, ALEC has continued to wreak havoc in states across the country despite an exodus of high-profile corporate members, including BP, Google, and several high-tech firms.
This year, ALEC has continued to wreak havoc in states across the country despite an exodus of high-profile corporate members, including BP, Google, and several high-tech firms.
On the same day that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced his run for president, the Wisconsin GOP wants to bury his record and gut Wisconsin's open records law.
Scott Walker is taking heat for claiming that supporting equal pay for women "pit[s] one group of Americans versus another." In Jamelle Bouie's view, "If any candidate could run a rigid campaign of polarization—aimed at winning as many white voters as possible—it’s Walker."
Paul Ryan has been working feverishly this week to secure support for Trade Promotional Authority, under which Congress would grant to President Obama so-called “fast-track” authority.
Scott Walker's attacks on unions and family-supporting jobs in Wisconsin helped elevate his national profile and ingratiated him with deep-pocketed political donors like the Kochs. Can he take this agenda nationwide?
Brendan Keefe went behind the scenes at ALEC's spring meeting in Georgia and caught a lobbyist and a legislator on tape. See how ALEC responded in this amusing new video from 11 Alive.
Breaking: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will address ALEC's annual meeting in San Diego this July. He's an ALEC alum who has pushed ALEC's agenda into law in the state.
ALEC wants state legislators to require kids to be taught its twisted brand of history, which claims that our "founding principles" require balanced budgets and that government's primary purpose is to protect private property from theft.
A lobbyist and a legislator got caught on tape explaining how corporations subsidize lawmakers' resort trips through ALEC, the corporate bill mill.
Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy sent federal authorities new evidence today that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is falsely passing itself off as a tax-exempt charity and effectively using taxpayer dollars to subsidize its lobbying on behalf of private interests.
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