U.S. Government

Nevada Wary of Nuclear Industry Executives Bearing Gifts

Aerial view of Yucca Mountain"The State of Nevada faces almost a billion dollar budget shortfall," reports Edward Lawrence. "The Nuclear Energy Institute says there is a solution ... but it comes with one very large string attached" -- that the state end opposition to the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.


The Hidden War: Big Tobacco and the GOP Team up Against Southern Democrats

When the major American tobacco companies signed the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with the 46 states who sued to recover the costs of treating sick smokers, the companies agreed to nominal advertising restrictions and massive yearly payouts to the states.


Meet the Candidates: Winners in the Utah congressional primaries

For the third time this election cycle, an incumbent member of the U.S. House of Representatives will be looking for work at the end of the 110th Congress. Republican Rep. Chris Cannon yesterday lost a primary race to Jason Chaffetz in Utah’s 3rd district. Chaffetz ran on a platform of cracking down on illegal immigration, and contrasted his stance to Cannon's support of comprehensive immigration reform.

Chaffetz succeeded in 2008 where others had failed: in 2004 and 2006, Cannon also faced challengers from within his party. Like fellow Republican Andy Harris and Democrat Donna Edwards in Maryland, Chaffetz was able to coalesce his support among his party's base, in a year when "Change" has been a successful theme for candidates of all stripes.

As part of Congresspedia's Wiki the Vote project, citizen journalists from around the country (and even some candidates!) have been logging information about the candidates' positions, biographies and records. A full list of the candidates and their professions are below, but you can also find them at their respective state portals via the Wiki the Vote project homepage. We need your help to find out more about these candidates, so if you know something about them please add it to their profile. (You can always contact one of the staff editors for help.)

The Swift Boating Begins in August

Saying "we believe the media whitewashed the candidate," the president of Regnery Publishing announced an August release for a book titled "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate." The PR firm Creative Response Concepts (CRC) is promoting the book.


Congresspedia Preview: This Week in Congress (June 20 - 27, 2008)

By Congresspedia assistant editor Avelino Maestas

The Senate this week is expected to take up a new reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which passed through the House of Representatives late last week. The Senate might also consider a spending bill for the Iraq War, legislation that has gone back and forth between the two chambers with mixed provisions. House members are expected to attempt a Medicare physician payment patch, and they will also take up a $61.5 billion fix to the Alternative Minimum Tax. Also, we have congressional primaries in Utah tomorrow.

As we explained in our review post, the new FISA bill includes some additional judicial oversight on the nation’s electronic surveillance programs while giving tacit immunity to telephone companies that helped the administration spy on Americans without a warrant.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has indicated he will strip the immunity provision from the legislation when his chamber debates the bill this week. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has also said he would work to strip the immunity provisions, while presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has not released a statement on the bill.


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