Koch Spy Agency Led by Voter Fraud Huckster
Mike Roman, the head of the Kochs' "intelligence gathering" operation, helped propel perhaps the most egregious case of race-baiting voter fraud hucksterism in recent years.
Mike Roman, the head of the Kochs' "intelligence gathering" operation, helped propel perhaps the most egregious case of race-baiting voter fraud hucksterism in recent years.
CMD submits detailed evidence of how Exxon Mobil has promoted climate change denial as a major funder of ALEC.
What would have happened had prosecutors brought charges in 2011?
Billionaire mega-donor Charles Koch admitted that the handful of billionaires who bankroll political campaigns are doing it because they expect something in return.
The Jefferson Jackson Dinner is a seminal event in Iowa politics. By the time the candidates take to the stage, the yelling and stomping is cacophonous.
Charles Koch misled CBS when he suggested that the Kochs' political spending is publicly disclosed.
Governor Scott Walker and the Wisconsin GOP are waging a war on transparency and good government and their next target is the GAB.
In Wednesday's GOP presidential debate, Donald Trump boasted proudly about rejecting a $5 million check--but really, he was boasting about not flagrantly breaking the law.
Scott Walker's anti-union plan to "wreak havoc" on Washington "on day one" was lifted from ALEC.
A new bill to gut the state's open records law may be under construction according to emails obtained exclusively by CMD.
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