
The Spin Doctor Will See You Now

"If I had to do it all over again, I don't think I would use the Ontario system," said Canadian cancer patient Lindsay McGreith. "I would get my wife to drive me to Buffalo, because I know in Buffalo you'd get looked after, whereas here you'd just sit for seven and a half hours. ...


Supply Side Pundits

Karl Grossman, a professor of journalism at the State University of New York and host of the nationally aired TV program Enviro Close-Up, recounts that the "overwhelming majority" of the pitches he and his producer receive are from "conservative public relations companies promoting conservative guests." Grossman observes that "in terms of volume and intensity, there's nothing comparable from the progressive world.


Canadians, Beware: The Bugs Are Coming! (Or So Says Lysol)

A B-roll video -- an unassembled video news release -- has been distributed to Canadian newsrooms warning consumers that "disease causing germs can be found lurking" just about everywhere in the home.


The Pentagon Gets Its Own Tony Snow

Citing an unnamed "senior administration official," The Politico reports that Geoff Morrell, "previously a White House correspondent for ABC News, has been hired as the Defense Department's on-camera briefer. ... The official said that a working journalist was chosen by Defense Secretary Robert M.


Coke's Water Deal Omits India

When Coca-Cola announced it would fund a joint water conservation initiative with WWF, it identified seven major water reserves around the world where it would fund projects. But none of the projects will be in India, where the company has been embroiled in controversy.



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