
Bleeping Jesus

The CBS and NBC television networks are refusing to run a 30-second television ad from the United Church of Christ. The ad states that - like Jesus - the church seeks to welcome all people, regardless of ability, age, race, economic circumstance or sexual orientation. According to a written explanation from CBS, the implied acceptance of gay and lesbian worshippers makes the ad "too controversial." According to the Rev. John H.


Censoring Private Ryan

"As American soldiers were dying in Falluja, some Americans back home spent Veteran's Day mocking the very ideal our armed forces are fighting for freedom," writes Frank Rich. "Ludicrous as it sounds, 66 ABC affiliates revolted against their own network and refused to broadcast 'Saving Private Ryan.' The reason: fear.


Citizen Journalist in the Mainstream Media?

"'Citizen journalism' is one of those buzzwords that's hot in our industry right now," writes Steve Outing. "While some journalists might hope it's a fad that will go away soon, I don't think that's likely. Inviting the public to participate in online news publishing by contributing articles and photographs is likely here to stay -- indeed, it might allow journalism institutions to renew some of the public trust they've lost in recent years by inviting the public in instead of keeping them outside the ropes."


Not Embedded Enough

"While some charge that embedded reporters are often too protective of the military, [U.S. Representative] Sylvestre Reyes (D-Texas) feels they are dangerous loose cannons, and says it's time to consider revoking their privileges," reports Editor and Publisher. During a House Armed Services Committee discussion of the videotaping of a U.S. Marine shooting an injured Fallujah insurgent in a mosque, Reyes said, "We don't want to know everything that's going on in the field. ...


Iraq: Censorship for the Greater Good

Iraq's Media High Commission, established by the United States "to encourage investment in the media and deter state meddling," warned media organizations in Iraq to "set aside space in your news coverage" of the Fallujah assault "to make the position of the Iraqi government, which expresses the aspirations of most Iraqis, clear." The statement continued, "We hope you comply ...


Those without Sinclair Casting the First Stone

The Sinclair Broadcast Group is "the poster child for abuse of the public airwaves," said the director of the media issues organization Free Press. Free Press is challenging the license renewal applications for four Sinclair stations in North and South Carolina, in a petition before the Federal Communications Commission.



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