Public Relations

Big Oil: Coming Soon to a Rotary Club Near You!

The American Petroleum Institute's (API's) efforts to assuage public resentment of the oil industry apparently know no bounds. API's Denise McCourt recently addressed a Rotary Club meeting in Charleston, West Virginia. "The oil and natural gas industry hasn't done a very good job telling people about energy issues," McCourt told the group.


Meijer Admission

The Meijer retail chain has issued a public apology, admitting that it "likely violated campaign finance and reporting laws" and pledging to "comply with any and all direction, penalties, fines or other actions required by the Department of State" in connection with its covert effort to manipulate elections in Acme Township, Michigan, where local officials opposed its


North American Governments Ponder How Best to Boost Their Wars logo"A key part of Ottawa's public relations campaign" in support of its controversial military mission in Afghanistan is frequent phone calls where "senior federal officials ...


Freedom's Watch Wants to be the Right's MoveOn

Bill Berkowitz reports, "a number of right wing groups have been contending for the unofficial designation of the conservative version of, the liberal grassroots lobbying organization. These days, Freedom's Watch appears to have a leg up on them all. ...


Who's Spinning Who in the U.S. Presidential Race

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's media team is led by "Kirsten Fedewa, a long-time press adviser from Huckabee's days with the Republican governors' association ... and Alice Stewart, a glamorous Arkansas TV anchor," according to the Belfast Telegraph's rundown of candidate "spinmeisters." Mitt Romney's "press team leaders are ...



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