Public Relations

ICE Wins by Failing with "Scheduled Departure"

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "Scheduled Departure" program"I think this proves the only method that works is enforcement," concluded U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official Jim Hayes. He was referring to "Scheduled Departure," a controversial ICE program that encouraged undocumented immigrants to deport themselves.


Yet Another Kind of Fake News

As more newspapers and other media outlets cut staff, public relations and advertising make gains. The Minnesota-based firm ARAnet provides "free print and Web content. ... More than 65 of the nation's top 100 newspapers, including the Star Tribune, use" ARAnet content, which "carries client messages." ARAnet president Scott Severson says his firm provides "high-quality consumer content" that "just happen[s] to be underwritten by our clients." ARAnet clients pay $4,500 for content creation, tracking and reporting; media outlets use it for free.


Former IndyMac Employees Go Swift Boating

Former employees of the failed California IndyMac Bank have hired the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's former public relations firm, Creative Response Concepts (CRC), in an attempt to hold Senator Charles Schumer responsible for the bank's collapse.


Canada's Oilsands Tarred with the "Greenwash" Brush

The UK Advertising Standards Authority ruled that a Shell ad that repeatedly referred to extraction from Canada's oilsands as "sustainable" was "misleading." The advertising regulator noted the "considerable social and environmental impacts" of oilsands development, adding that Shell has not explained how it will manage "carbon emissions from its oilsands projects in order to limit



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