Heal Thyself!
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Just 13 percent of Americans think pharmaceutical companies are "generally honest and trustworthy," according to a recent survey.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Just 13 percent of Americans think pharmaceutical companies are "generally honest and trustworthy," according to a recent survey.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Montana's citizen-passed ban on cyanide leach mining may be repealed in a November initiative supported by the group Miners, Merchants and Montanans for Jobs and Economic Opportunity. The group receives almost all of its funding from Colorado's Canyon Resources Corp.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"The pyramid has crumbled," said a food industry consultant. The U.S.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
The international PR firm APCO Worldwide "is spreading the word that Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, is a staunch U.S.
Submitted by Laura Miller on
The CIA's favorite PR firm, "the Rendon Group is playing a major behind-the-scenes role at the Democratic National Convention in Boston, arranging first-time/real-time video broadcasts each morning to each of the 56 caucuses, serving as the event's project manager, and coordinating 20 convention-related events, Rick Rendon, co-founder of the firm, told O'Dwyer's. Rendon hired Polycom Video Systems to set up secure servers in 22 hotels so leading Democrats can address each caucus at their 8 a.m.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
One day after the re-re-launch of the Committee on the Present Danger, PR pro Peter Hannaford resigned as its managing director.
Submitted by Laura Miller on
"The 9/11 Commission will use Edelman PR Worldwide to generate political support for its recommendations on how to beef up U.S. defenses against terrorism," trade publication O'Dwyer's PR Daily reports. Rob Rehg, who runs Edelman's Washington, D.C.
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
PR industry writer Paul Holmes has written a lengthy essay arguing that PR people need to take blogging seriously. "The people who read blogs are the opinion leaders and the early adopters," says PR pro Steve Rubel. "They are people who pass on what they learn to other people. And these sites are being read every day by the journalists who cover your industry. It's amazing how many stories start on the Internet and then make it into the mainstream media."
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
As "voters took to the streets in 19 states ... to protest paperless electronic voting machines" at "The Computer Ate My Vote" rallies, the high-tech industry lobby group Information Technology Association of America fought back.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed's public affairs firm Century Strategies "has raked in millions of dollars by mounting grassroots lobbying drives" for corporations, Republicans and "controversial lobbyists." Reed is also the
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